Chapter 67

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Lì's POV

To say I was pissed was an understatement. I opened the door and stepped out, closing it quietly behind me before leaning against the door and letting out a sigh. Who??? Who was it that affected her so much that she found it so hard to trust me? If it wasn't her sister and QinZheng, just who else was it? And how do I find him so I can wring his neck??!!

Bai Ze (frowning): Master!!! Just what happened in there???!!!

I opened my eyes and saw an angry and worried Bai Ze standing in front of me, with a look that demanded answers. "It seems I've given you too much freedom, Bai Ze..." I commented with a harsh glare, silencing him in shock, before walking past him. "Let's go... We're leaving..."...

Even Bai Zou looked at me suspiciously at that comment. Never in my life had I scolded Bai Ze before, no matter how intrusive or out of place he acted. I felt bad for lashing out at him like that but I was annoyed. How could she say that she didn't trust me??? Did she actually think that I was going to cheat on her with the first girl that I found???

"Brother Lì??? What's gotten you so mad???", Yun-Yun asked in a mischievous tone while she touched my face, just as I left the auction house. If Yǔ finds out that I actually ditched her because I promised to spend the day with Yun-Yun, what would she do???

Wait... Why should I even care about what she thinks???

'Cause from where I was sitting, you didn't seem to mind her being all close with you, and yet every time I touch you, you flinch...', I recall what Yǔ had said as I felt Yun Yun's hand on my cheek. I flicked her hand away and walked out of the auction house.

Isn't it obvious why? Because whenever Yǔ touches me, I feel shivers running down my spine. My skin erupts with goosebumps. The heat of her palm burns into my skin and remains long after she lets go. But when Yun Yun touched me, I didn't feel anything. It felt like one of my sisters or, heck, even Bai Ze touching me. I was really happy when she said that she was jealous and possessive of me. So why did she have to go and ruin it by saying that she didn't trust me?

'They say that first impressions mean everything'...

What was my first impression of her? It was those sea-green eyes... They seemed so breathtaking, yet they seemed to hide so much sadness, pain, and heartbreak. While her face, voice, and everything else indicated that she was fine and happy, her sea-green eyes seemed real and honest. 'The eyes are the windows to one's soul', she would be a perfect example of that phrase.

(A/N: Here, he is talking about the first time he met Yǔ, which was in the forest. She was using her powers the whole time so her eyes were sea-green. I don't know if I mentioned it or not but her eye color changes from blue to sea green whenever she uses her powers (but she doesn't know that yet).)

When I met her for the second time, I remember feeling surprised and a bit disappointed to see that her eyes were blue. I had wondered whether I had imagined it sea-green or not but then I saw it turn whenever she used her powers. And each time, there was always a trace of sadness in it—something that I could never find in her blue eyes. Something that made her seem fragile, something that made me want to protect her...

Who would have thought that the girl I had initially pegged for a weakling would be so wild, confident, and daring? I smiled at that thought, thinking of our later visits. Maybe I shouldn't have left like that. She was clearly feeling guilty for what she had said; it was obvious from the way she was trying to explain herself.

I turned my head around, considering it, before turning back and shaking my head. No... I am mad at her, I can't go around trying to defend her or feel sorry for her like this.

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