Chapter 42

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So this is a pretty short chapter. I've gone through all the comments from the previous chapter and none of the responses were correct, although some did make me want to reconsider but that would only mess up the future chapters that I've prepared. I've given a few more hints in this chapter so try to guess who the mystery girl is and you will find out in the next chapter if you are right or wrong. I will update the next chapter within 2–3 days.

Happy Reading...:):):))



Lì immediately rose from his seat and held out his hand for me, which I reached out for and grabbed. I stood up and followed him out, still a bit flabbergasted by the amount he had spent. I mean, half the items sold put together wouldn't reach 50 gold bars.

I couldn't help but notice the hatred on Huangpu's face as we passed him (the more I see him like this, the more I'm reminded of Zeus; I wonder why...), which filled me with pleasure and satisfaction knowing that at least everything didn't go his way. However, even if Huangpu had won the bid, I wouldn't have let him have her, even if it meant having to kill him and draw attention to myself. There was no way I'd let her go with that pervert.

Mael, seeing us pass the fatty, tried to free himself from my grasp. "Just let me bite his nose, master!" Only till it turns red!" he pleaded as I suppressed a chuckle and tightened my hold on him. After a few minutes of struggle, he resigned himself with a loud, exaggerated sigh and relaxed in my hands.

As we stepped out of the main auction hall, we were led by another woman to an empty room, and she asked us to wait until she could return with our bid.

(while waiting): What do you plan to do with her?

Me (absentmindedly): Well, if she is who she seems to be, I'll gift her to one of my uncles. If not, I plan to let her go.

(confused): I thought you didn't like your family?

Me: I guess... you could say that he's not really my blood relative... He's helped me out a lot so it would be a splendid gift, in a way.

After waiting a while and making small talk, the door opened, and a man in respectable clothing walked in, dragging the slave from behind. She wore cuffs on her neck that were connected to a chain that connected to two handcuffs. She looked terrified, miserable, and powerless. She was completely different from her normal self, so much so that she'd almost made me question whether I had recognized her wrongly.

"We wanted to make sure that our highest bidder is satisfied with his bid." said the man with a respectful bow.

I glanced at Lì and he motioned for me to go ahead, so I walked closer to her and took a closer look. "Please... please let me go!" she pleaded desperately, something that I had never seen her do before. "Please! My husband will give you whatever you ask for! My mother will reward you! Just please let me go!" she cried out, reduced to tears.

I had encountered her in the future no less than ten-fifteen times, and in none of those times was she ever like this. If I didn't know any better, I'd have thought that it wasn't her and that I was mistaken. I had questioned whether I was wrong because there was no way she'd seem this weak and helpless. There is no way that she could have been captured, chained, and auctioned off by mere humans like this.

But now I couldn't be more sure; no matter how impossible it seemed, no matter how much I couldn't wrap my head around it, I knew it was her.

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