Chapter 54

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Li Yǔ's POV

The whole room filled with a deep silence as every single person stared shocked at my manner of speaking and actions. The king was taken aback, the seventh prince was speechless, Father's eyes were bulging in fury, Lien's face was red with jealousy, Bai Ze was furious for my disrespect to his master, Bai Zou's mouth was agape in shock and finally the person on whom all eyes rested, Lì, was staring at me in a mixture of shock at my actions and embarrassment, his face stiff in my hands. When I first wrapped my hand around him, he literally froze, but he did not move to push me away. I hadn't honestly planned any of this and prayed that he'd just play along since I might just be able to get out of the marriage this way. And it would be me breaking up with QinZheng and not the other way around...

"You... YOU!! How dare? Wang QinZheng started, his face turning a nice shade of red in fury and embarrassment.

"So you're saying that you'd be willing to give yourself to me?" Someone you've never met?" Lì interrupted the bozo and seemed to go along with me. He gave me a condescending smirk, which I returned.

"Well... let's just say I have a thing for the type who braves a war and returns a strong, manly, famous hero."

Bai Ze (infuriated): You insolent girl! Master, you're not considering...

(raising an eye, amused): So, if, say, I was to propose to you right here, right now (which made everyone watching gasp)... You'd accept, all because of my fame?

I batted my eyes innocently, not truly seeing where this was going but playing along all the same, and ticked off an imaginary list using my finger: "Hmm... Fame... Strength... Power... Wealth... Appearance... Take your pick."

His smirk grew as he stood up and grabbed my hand. "Alright then..." he started as he gently tugged me towards the opening where the second flight started and bowed. Honestly, at this point, I had no clue what he was planning. There is no way he was going to ask for my hand in marriage, right? I just wanted to steer up some trouble and thought that I could use his status to embarrass the wimpy fool and get me out of the engagement without letting those fools have their way.

"Father, since Seventh Brother has no interest in this girl, I would like to ask for permission to take her to be my bride. I am already of marriageable age but because of the war, I never considered it. And I am sure all the ministers are in a rush to see me wed. I beg that Father will accept and bless this union."

The emperor, who had silently watched as the situation unraveled, stared at his son with a questioning look and asked, "Are you serious, Lì? Marriage is not a joke."

"I have never been more serious... I admire her personality and was either way going to request a partner, and since she offered, I don't see any reason as to why I shouldn't accept." He responded with unwavering confidence, while I just stood by his side, somewhat confused but not showing it. Wasn't I the one who started this? When in Hades did he take the rein? What happened to the flustered Lì I like? Although this confident Lì isn't half bad either. 

What in Hera's name am I thinking?

Emperor (turning to me): And you, Li Yǔ, what do you think of being engaged to my third son?

Empress (before I could even respond): Your grace!!! I beg you to reconsider! Imagine what the people will say if we give our third prince to such a wild and impure girl. That too, a girl abandoned by the seventh prince...

Me (snorting): Just to be clear, I am abandoning the seventh prince... He doesn't even meet any of my qualifications.

(dangerously): And I'd like to see who'd dare speak rudely or spread rumors regarding the future wife of this prince...

Father (stepping up): Please forgive my daughter; I haven't taught her well enough for her to go about spouting such nonsense. Please just take this as a joke and...

(raising an eye): I must have been gone for so long that the rules have changed... For a mere minister to partake in a conversation among royalty!

Lì glared at Father, causing him to shrink back in fear. "Mercy, my prince!!! I don't know what came over me.", he said as he cowered back all the while staring at me with pure hatred while I gave him one of my famous innocent smiles.

Emperor (sighing in annoyance): I don't recall asking for anybody's opinion but the girl concerned... Tell me, Li Yǔ, seeing as QinZheng wants to divorce you, do you want to marry my third son?

Me (grinning): It would be my greatest honor...

Emperor (in a commanding voice): Zhang Yuan (the eunuch), pass my degree; from this day forth, the fifth miss of the Li household and the seventh prince shall be officially disengaged. Li Yǔ shall be re-engaged with Wang Lì, the third prince. We shall exchange engagement slips in three days. She shall, from henceforth, be the future wife of 'Yama's General... This matter is closed. Everybody, please enjoy the feast, as we now have one more reason to celebrate.

I had just planned on ruining my father's plan, whatever it wound up to be, so how did it take such a turn? Although this didn't exactly go against what I had wanted, maybe it made things all the better. Father's plan is ruined. QinZheng was embarrassed and thrown aside by me (no matter how anyone tried to twist it since I got the last say), and Lien and Juan were furious and jealous.

And I am engaged... to Lì...

I did not see this coming.

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