Chapter 92

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Yǔ's POV

I push aside all my questions and reservations and jump into action, summoning a flimsy robe and wrapping it around me while controlling the waters to return to the tub, dropping into it with a splash that sent water flying outside, making it seem like I had hurriedly jumped out.

And just seconds before the female goddess stormed the room, I fell to the ground, clutching my knees and quivering in fear. As soon as Artemis barged into the room, I slapped my hands to my ears and started muttering in terror, "No! Please no! I'm sorry! It's all my fault! Please! Please don't hurt me!!" I sobbed out, shaking visibly. And just as expected, the goddess—who has a soft corner for women—inched closer towards me with concern. "Shush, sweetie, don't worry. I won't hurt you." She cooed, trying to comfort me. 

It was then that I noticed how her voice came out in short breaths. I secretly glanced up at her and saw that her face was flushed, her eyes were hazy, her breathing was coming out labored, her chest was rising and falling rapidly, and her skin was glistening from sweat and I realized what was wrong. When she touched my hand, I confirmed it. Those bozos had fed her aphrodisiac! I bit back the growl that almost slipped past my mouth (almost giving away my cover).

How could they just feed her an aphrodisiac, a potent one by the looks of it, and leave her be? What if someone else, a man, had found her? Did they not think of what would happen if she was raped or sullied?!!! I ought to bash their heads together!!! And hard!!

"Can you tell me what happened???" Her voice was becoming more and more uneven as the seconds passed. She must have been suppressing it all this time or it could have been a slow-acting medicine but for whatever reason, I could tell it was starting to take effect now.

I kept up with the act: "Two men stormed in here and tried to touch me!" I sobbed, feigning fear, while my mind raced as I tried to decide what to do. I couldn't leave her alone; she needed help. She needed treatment. The best option was to take her back to the hunt but I couldn't exactly help her directly as Yǔ.

"Those bast" she started in Greek, realizing exactly who I was accusing, as she stumbled and fell to her knees beside me, her breathing growing even more uneven and her eyes getting bleary. "Do... don't worry... I'll hel—" and she fainted.

Artemis' POV

Hot! So hot! My skin feels all tingly like it is burning, like it's on fire. I squirm, wanting to cool off and wanting some form of relief. My eyes are heavy and the only thing I hear is heavy breathing and moans, which I'm certain are coming from me. It's so damn hot!

I'm going to skin them alive! I'm going to kill them slowly, cut them up to shreds, and grind them up to tiny strings. They're going to be sooo sorry for trying to drug me! I swear, if I get sullied, I will kill them! I will actually kill them! And then I will bring them back to life and kill them all over again for barging into that poor girl's room and trying to lay their hands on her. That thought makes me come to my senses and fight for consciousness. If I wasn't wrong, I'm pretty sure that girl had experienced abuse. I'm sure I saw scars on her hands and legs and the parts of her that were uncovered. I have to snap out of it! I have to be strong! I have to get up!

"Relax! I got you." A soothing voice seems to float around me, enveloping me and making me feel safe. And suddenly, it's cool. The scorching feeling in my body seems to have faded, almost in the background. I feel a hand on my forehead and a wave of cool energy being passed into me. It's not much but enough for my eyes to weakly flutter open. I was lying with my back flat on the ground and staring up at a pair of sea-green eyes that had me thinking of my uncle Poseidon.

But this wasn't Poseidon; it was a woman. She had Poseidon's black hair too—long straight flowy hair—as well as his soft facial expression, when he isn't overcome by his lust, that is. Her eyes are soft and kind even, but there's something hidden behind the kindness—something I was too dazed to recognize. "Relax! You're going to be fine." She repeats this as my eyes grow heavy and my consciousness drifts away.

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