Chapter 95

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Hermes' POV

Ok, so let's recap, shall we:

Apollo and I decide to prank Artemis—Super.

The prank we chose, including the use of aphrodisiac—I'll admit, not so cool. But in hindsight, we weren't really thinking of the consequences when we decided to do it. 

Running all the way across the globe till our lungs burned—Not cool, not cool at all.

Stumbling into a random room and barging in looking for a place to hide—a necessary evil.

Stumbling across a naked girl bathing, coincidentally—not our fault, but smirk.

Said girl bearing my blessing, controlling water, sending me flying across the room, also bearing Apollo's blessing, offering to help us from our predicament and then pushing us into a portal only to be surrounded by a bunch of scary-looking metal soldiers and having about a dozen swords pressed against our necks from all sides. And on top of all that, our powers being restricted—NOT COOL! Definitely, absolutely not cool. Bordering horrifying. I'd be proud of the fact that I haven't pissed myself... yet... I won't lie, it almost happened when a 50-foot dragon just appeared and roared at us so loudly that it reverberated through the air. I'm pretty sure I've gone deaf in one ear. Can you blame me for being scared shitless? We're rendered powerless here!

So here we are—both Apollo and myself—with our hands held up in surrender and about three dozen blades pressed to our necks. "No matter what you do, don't move!" Apollo's voice squeaked as soon as the swords had come to a halt against our necks. As if I were going to move. I like my head attached to my neck, thank you very much!

I am a statue—an immovable statue; I do not want to nor need to move—was what I kept repeating to myself as beads of sweat dripped down the back of my neck.

Or that was what I tried to convince myself. In reality, my muscles started to ache from holding my hand up in surrender for the past three hours. It's not fair, these soldiers are made of metal, they could stand like this for months and not feel tired, I can't!

Oh, gods, don't tell me I'm going to be standing like this for months!!!

Taking a cautious look around, I gathered we were in a domain—Poseidon's domain, to be more specific—given the water all around us. But how? We abandoned our domains eons ago. We figured once we left, the domains would naturally decline due to the absence of our power to sustain them. So how? How can this domain look as good as new? So beautiful?

And why was that throne so small and dainty—I mean, I know it's a weird thing to focus on with all that's going on but can you blame me for wondering? Usually, the thrones were big enough to accommodate us at our normal height. And how in Hades could that girl open a portal to this domain at will? What in Zeus' name is going on here?

The air rippled in front of us, forming a portal, and the smokiest woman I've ever laid eyes on waltzed through it. She waltzed right past us, heading towards the throne and regally took a seat, glancing down at us. "Apologies for being late!" a velvety voice breezed out of her mouth as her sea-green eyes looked down on us, pun intended. The corner of her pink-colored lips twitched in disdain, as though we were a piece of gum caught on the soles of her shoes. I'd be offended if I weren't more bothered by the blades and all.

"You don't look sorry!" Apollo observed, his hands still held up.

"Well, I'd be more sorry if I hadn't spent the past 3 hours cleaning up your mess!"

"Allow me to introduce myself. Persea Jackson, so-daughter of Poseidon, obviously." She motions at her obvious appearance—the sea-green eyes were a dead giveaway but when you add the olive complexion and the jet-black hair, she looks exactly like a female version of Poseidon would, so much so that it's eerie. It's like suddenly thinking Poseidon looked hot! And that's just wrong... I think... She's like really hot so I'm all confused now.

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