Chapter 27

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Li Yǔ's POV

I wait until the three of them are out of sight before heading down the other path. Since I had handed my wooden torch to Bai Ze, I materialized an electrical torch to light up the path. It was much darker here, and obviously, this path hadn't been taken for years. There was moss all over the floor and walls and a faint, salty smell of the sea.

There weren't any obstacles along the way so I reached the door much quicker than before. However, unlike all the doors, which were made of wood, this was made of some kind of metal. Right in the middle of the door, there was an engraving of a huge trident within a circle. The presence I had sensed earlier was right beyond the door, and even though I was standing right in front of the door, I felt overwhelmed by the presence. That was how powerful it felt.

I could tell instantly that the door didn't work on any mechanism, nor would physical force help. So the only option remaining was to use my powers. I touched the door with my right hand and let the power of the sea course through the door. The trident symbol lit up in bright blue before the door creaked and opened noiselessly.

I took a deep breath and stepped in, my heart beating in excitement. The room was enormous (much, much bigger than you would have guessed from outside), but empty save for a huge frozen water dragon statue (I felt like an ant compared to the statue) that stood blocking another door. It was the coolest and most beautiful statue I had ever seen.

I looked around for the source of the presence, which for some reason seemed to engulf this whole room, making it hard to pinpoint what it was that was giving out the aura. I looked around the whole room but couldn't find anything until I found myself standing in front of the dragon statue.

I couldn't help but admire this masterwork, wondering who it was that made it... Was it the Cyclops or Hephaestus? It could have even been Poseidon, considering it was made completely out of water. Everything, from the whole body to the tiniest detail of the scales, was so perfect that it almost looked lifelike. It looked like it would come to life any second and attack me.

It was five minutes after I placed my hand on the frozen body that I first heard a soft 'crack', but thought it was nothing. A few seconds later, I heard another and then another... I looked up at the dragon to see that the frozen statue was completely cracked. I took a step back, completely shocked, just as the ice shattered and I shut my eyes, preparing myself to withstand the large volume of water that was about to come crashing down onto me, but it didn't. After a few minutes of waiting, I cautiously opened my eyes to see the once-frozen wings of the dragon make a single, slow, majestic flap. And before I knew it, the statue had come to life, taken to the air, and was hovering over me.

So here I was with a 300-foot (give or take) dragon hovering above me and dangerously looking down at me and the only thought that went through my head was: "HOLY HERA! It's MAGNIFICENT! I want!", while my face had broken out into a huge grin. I could tell instantly that it was a beast, created out of the water-qi, and a very powerful one at that. It's like it was meant to be! I mean, one minute I decide that I want a beast of my own, and a few seconds later... fine, a few days later... here it was, the most perfect beast standing right in front of me, in all its majestic glory (I could just cry out in joy)!

Sea dragon (in a booming voice): WHO DARES DISTURB MY SLUMBER?

Me (excitedly (can you blame me, it looked freaking awesome, powerful, and big (very big))): I've decided... I must have you!

"You...", I heard him say into my head, seemingly mocking me, "a puny girl little like? Do you want me to form a contract with you? I am one of the very few mythical beasts that rank above that of a puny legendary beast. GET OUT NOW, WHILE I AM STILL MERCIFUL!", His booming voice echoed in my head. I'm pretty sure it was sneering at me.

I could feel my lips rising into a smirk. I am the son, no daughter, of Poseidon; anything related to water is within my control and this beast made from the sea thinks I'm not worthy? If I'm not worthy, then who is? I'm the most suitable candidate for the dragon. I could utilize its power to the fullest. I'm not being haughty; it's the truth... Whether in the future or even in this timeline, according to Sis. Hestia and Uncle Hades, there hasn't been a single demigod child of Poseidon who has reached my level. Heck, I even once sought out Hercules more than once and beat his sorry arse till he was black and blue each time. I hate that guy.

I took control of the water dragon with ease (I mean, it's literally made of water) and forced it down from the sky, making it crash onto the floor with a loud 'bang', forcing it to bow down before me. Its shock and struggle to regain control over itself were very obvious. I used the surrounding water to lift me up, floated towards the face of the dragon, and gave a sweet smile, one that would make those who knew me tremble in terror. "Do you happen to know Poseidon? God of the sea... Earthshaker... Son of Kronos... One of the big three... blah, blah, blah."

Sea Dragon (shocked): Lord Poseidon is my creator... How can a puny mortal know of him?

I smirked, forcing the dragon to bring his head further down. "Because this puny mortal just so happens to be a child of that very same Poseidon..."

Sea Dragon (in disbelief): You are a child of Lord Poseidon? I don't believe you; he doesn't have any daughters!

Me (getting tired of repeating the same story): Indeed, Poseidon is not the father of this body but the soul of this body has already found its way to Elysium. My soul replaced this body. I am a son of Poseidon from the future. I am the sole champion of Apollo, Hermes, Hephaestus, Hades, and Hestia. If I am not suitable for controlling you, who is? I can confidently say that I am the only one who can make the most of your powers! But if you think I'm not worthy of you, by all means, try to escape my grasp, and I'll give up on you.

The dragon attempted to escape but was unsuccessful and finally submitted to me. The dragon complied with forming a 'master-servant' contract but I don't particularly like the idea of slavery so I suggested the 'equal's contract'. "But Master, an equal's contract would give me the right to choose to obey your commands,", said the astonished dragon.

Me (grinning): I know... But I never intended to force a contract upon you nor do I intend to make you do things that you are uncomfortable with. I want a partner, not a slave. So I'd prefer an equal's contract...

Dragon (surprised): There are few people, be they humans or demigods, that are willing to give us beasts such a chance... Master, since you'd rather have me as your partner, then I plead that you allow me to form a blood contract with you...

Me (tilting my head to the right): But aren't you afraid that any failure in my cultivation could affect you too?

The dragon shook his head in certainty and so I conceded and we formed a blood oath, which required both parties to consume each other's blood (which for the dragon looked and tasted like salt water).

"Well, my very first beast, I hope from this day forth you will have my back."


In the next chapter, Percy will be naming the dragon, so if any of you have any cool dragon names in mind, feel free to share them in the comments, since otherwise I might just go with 'Aqua' or something.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow.


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