Chapter 64

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Yǔ's POV

Half-an-hour... That was how long I continued to stare at Lì and that girl, all close and chummy, which only made me more and more pissed. I ended up missing half the auctioned items because my attention was focused solely on them. Just who is this girl? Lì flinches at my every touch and yet it's fine for her to cling onto him for so long and whisper into his ears? What exactly does she have to say to be whispering this much? Is she narrating a life story? Is she translating for him? Annoying!!! 

Auctioneer (chirpy voice): And for our next auction, we have the unique, rank-four Qi Accumulating Pill, which can allow you to absorb, accumulate, and further your Qi to skip levels safely—a true treasure. We have three pills that will be sold separately and offered at the highest price, the starting price for each being 500 silver taels. Bidders must increase the price by 500 silver taels.

My pill being announced pulled my attention away since I was curious as to how much it would go out for. "I will buy all three for 1000 silver taels each," came a familiar voice that made me smirk. Wang QinZheng... I glanced to my right, in the direction of the voice, to find him as well as Li Juan seated in a booth.

(A/N: If you refer to the above pic of the interior of an opera house, Yǔ would be sitting in a booth on the right wall, Lì would be in the opposite booth (left wall) and QinZheng would be in a booth in the center wall opposite to the stage

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(A/N: If you refer to the above pic of the interior of an opera house, Yǔ would be sitting in a booth on the right wall, Lì would be in the opposite booth (left wall) and QinZheng would be in a booth in the center wall opposite to the stage.)

"I would like to buy these pills so I hope that nobody fights me for them," he shouted to the crowd in a threatening voice, obviously scaring all those who were initially interested. Who would risk getting on the bad side of a prince by bidding for something he's set his eyes on? Except for me, that is...

Now then... How should I proceed to ensure that I get a large amount into my pocket? I crossed my left leg over my right and picked up my pluck card, "1500 silver for each." My confidence was reflected in my eyes, causing him to thrust his head in my direction and glare at me. My smirk rose as I gave him a look that said, 'Bid if you dare.'

"Master, why are you bidding on your own pill???", enquired Mael in my head, confused...

"So that he'll raise the price and his money will come into my pocket...", my smirk grew in anticipation...

"But what if he gives up???"

"He won't, he has too much pride to... After all, I just questioned his authority. And even if it does I can just sell it again, elsewhere...", I shrugged and just as I finished he did exactly what I expected...

"3000 silver taels for each!!!", he growled in anger. In the heat of the moment, he basically doubled my bid, how foolish. I wonder to what extent I can steal from him...

Auctioneer: 3000 taels going once?

I was just about to up the price again when another familiar voice spoke out, causing me to whip my head towards him. "6,000 silver taels for each." Lì bid with a daring look. My lips rose into a small smile as I slowly leaned back against the couch. Maybe I wouldn't have to do anything after all. It was also at this point that I noticed that the girl accompanying him had disappeared.

QinZheng (angrily and embarrassed): Brother! Have you set it upon yourself to attack me at every turn?

(glaring): You dared to mock my woman in public... If I don't get revenge for my fiancée, how could I look her in the face? I've decided to take these pills as a gift to her; outbid me if you dare.

My previous anger quickly disappeared after hearing what he said. He was getting revenge for me; my face remained stuck in a big smile as I settled back to enjoy the show. QinZheng clenched his fists. "7000 silver taels!" he growled out.

"14000 silver taels." he said with a shrug. He was doubling whatever price QinZheng said, knowing he wouldn't back down lest he be embarrassed. "500 gold bars!" hatred plastered on his face as he foolishly upped the price by a lot. Even the auctioneer looked bothered and worried by the competition among the princes but couldn't say anything.

(lazily): 1000 gold bars...

I almost spat out my new glass of wine. I didn't expect it to go this far. "30,000 gold bars!" QinZheng shouted out, standing up in infuriation, just as I took another sip of the wine. At that, I actually spat out the drink. Who tries to outbid someone by 29000 bars? He must be really peeved... How stupid...

(shrugging with a smirk): You can have it... I never wanted it in the first place...

QinZheng (glaring): YOU!!!!

Auctioneer (taken aback): 30000 gold bars going once??? (After a few minutes) Going twice??? Going thrice... Sold to room no. 12...

30000 gold bars for one pill, which would be 90000 gold bars for all three, reducing the 10% commission would leave me with 81000 gold bars which would be about 81 crore silver taels!!! "Mael??? Am I dreaming??? Did I just make a killing without even trying???", I asked for confirmation to the dragon who shared my stunned expression...

I noticed QinZheng calling for someone and whispering to him to which the person nodded and left his room. Even Lì did the same thing... What was that all about??? A few minutes later, a knock came on my door before Yao Chen walked in. "Miss Alchemist???", he started with a respectful bow, "The seventh prince and third prince would like to have a meeting with you. They are the ones who had the bidding war for your pills"

Is it because they're brothers? That they had the same thought?

"Reject the seventh prince and accept the third prince if he can agree to come alone...", I spoke in an authoritative voice as a smirk spread across my lips. Time to find out who that girl is... 

"And could you give us a private room??", I asked, standing up, and following him out. He led me to a private room and told me to wait while he brought the third prince here. I took a seat and waited for ten minutes before a knock came and the door opened, with Lì standing on the other side, with Bai Ze and Bai Zou behind...

"I thought I said that I would only accept the meeting if you came alone...", I commented tilting my head to the side...

"How dare you??!! This is the third prince, Wang Lì, get on your knees...", started an angry Bai Ze before I interrupted him...

"Preposterous!" I commented in an authoritative voice, using the atmospheric water in the air to act as a weight on his shoulders, suppressing him a bit. "Need I remind you that it was you folks who requested a meeting with me?"

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