Side Story 3

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As some of you guessed, here Percy's regrets refer to those he couldn't save (Bianca, Zoë, Beckendorf, Luke, etc.). Even if he had nothing to do with their deaths, he'd blame himself for not having the power to save them. And over the years, after the wars and after he learned to craft, he'd build stuff in remembrance of them.


Artemis' POV

"Lady Artemis,

Although I can't say much, I know all about you, your hunters, and your principles, and though I may not agree with some of them, I feel I can only rely on you for my favor.

Yun Huangpu, son of General Yun, is a disgusting man. He has raped countless women, even teens less than fourteen years old. He buys female slaves and even girls off the streets and forces himself on them, robbing them of what they hold most sacred. Many of the girls have committed suicide, each without receiving justice. He has money, influence, and power—enough to free himself from all charges.

I, too, am someone who holds memories of almost being raped, and I can still feel the terror that took over my body then. I would have liked to personally do something myself, but I feel that I wouldn't be able to give the girls the justice they deserve. So I thought of you.

P.S. He had acquired several child and women slaves earlier today, please accept them into your hunt or relocate them to safety.

PJ "

I was sitting in my tent, reading the same letter again for the third time. It had been only three days since Uncle Hades brought me this letter and each time I read it, my heart burns with rage. But I didn't know whether the letter was true or not, or who this 'PJ' was or how she knew of me. According to Uncle, she is a mortal, so how did she know me?

I looked up from the letter, sensing a familiar presence outside my tent. "Come in, Zoë..." I commanded, knowing full well it was her. She walked in with a strange look on her face, holding a note in one hand and a dagger in the other. "My lady!" she bowed in respect. "Have you decided on what to do?"

Me (picking up the letter and sighing): If it is true, I plan to make that bastard suffer... However, there is no way of knowing...

Zoë (cautiously): My lady, given the situation, shouldn't you just request his help?

Me (standing and walking up to my trusted lieutenant, giving her a knowing smile): You are just curious about what you received, aren't you?

Zoë (looked down ashamedly): I don't sense any danger from the dagger and can't for the life of me remember knowing a PJ... However, I truly do wish for revenge if what the letter states is true.

Me (sighing): You are right... Calling for him would be the easiest and fastest way to find out.

I closed my eyes. "Apollo, I need your (struggling with the next word) help." I whispered. Within seconds, the tent was blinded by a bright light that receded to leave behind a smirking god. "My younger sister, the one and only Artemis, who can't stand me... Needing my help? No way would I miss this!

I gritted my teeth together in frustration and handed him the letter. May as well get this over with, "What do you make of this?"

Apollo (taking it and reading it curiously): Hmm. Where did you get it? And who's P.J.?

"I don't know... It was two nights ago, during the full moon, that Uncle Hades visited me."


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