Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

(A/N: In previous chapters, I indicated that Percy was 20 at the time of his death but I've decided to change that. He dies on his 23rd birthday after facing less than 3 years of torture. So basically, he is 3 years older than Wang Lì (who is 20) and 9 years older than Li Yǔ (who is 14).

(Originally, I wanted him to be around the same age as   but that only gives less than three years for getting blessed, training under various gods, bonding, finding other interests, Xander's appearance, the betrayals, torture, and finally death, which is not enough time.)

Li Yǔ's POV

(grinning): So I guess it's final... We're getting engaged...

Me (inhaling sharply): Yeah, about that... I have one condition...

Bai Ze (annoyed): Excuse me???

Me (smiling): See, I was cheated on once and I swore that I'd never let myself feel that way. If we agree to this, then there is an equal chance that we'll end up marrying at the end of the year. But on that note, I know that men can take more than one wife, and that's a deal-breaker for me. You can either marry a million women, which won't include me... Or you can marry just me and be stuck with me for the rest of your life. No side wives, no consorts, no concubines, no mistresses—none of those... So if you're willing to agree to that, then I'm all in.

Honestly, the idea of marrying him didn't seem so bad. I may be forced to marry in the future, so it would be better to marry someone I chose, and right now Lì seemed like the best option. But I still needed time to wrap my head around the idea of marrying a man and all the things that are bound to come with that, given that I was once straight, so there was no way I'd consider a harem situation. Coming from the future, that just seemed wrong.

(without hesitating): Deal...

Me (slowly): You may want to think about that because if you ever break this condition and if I find out that you have cheated on me, the only way you get out of it is by dying a very painful death. (Giving a dangerous smirk.) And trust me when I say I have methods to torture you even after death.

(smiling): I trust you... But my answer is the same. Provided you don't cheat on me, I won't do the same, nor will I marry anyone else.

I held out my right hand and he grabbed it with his left, and we shook on the deal. "So, from now on, we are engaged." I said as a wide grin spread across my face, "Please take good care of me from now on, Hubby."

Before he could respond, the eunuch came up to me, bowed, and said, "The emperor will see you now. Please follow me." I nodded and said bye to the three before following after the servant. He led me through the maze of corridors and past a door into the throne room. Right in the front, on the thrones, sat the emperor and empress. The eunuch bowed and left, closing the door behind him.

I stared at him before starting to talk semi-casually. "You wanted to see Yǔ-er???", I directly asked without bowing down or paying respect. Why should I? I don't even pay respect to the gods...

The emperor was speechless while the empress glared at me. "How dare you show such disrespect to the emperor? Have your parents taught you nothing??" She yelled, trying to scare me but I just shrugged and gave a simple response: "Yǔ-er only knows to respect those who deserve to be respected."

Emperor (amused): So, you feel that I don't deserve your respect? Do you feel I am a bad emperor?

Me (disinterested): Yǔ-er doesn't care if you are a good king or a bad king, nor does she care if you make the country prosper or drag it to the ground. To Yǔ-er, you have already failed at what matters...

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