Chapter 66

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Yǔ's POV

I flinched, completely taken aback.

How did he know it was me? I had purposely even faked my voice...

I had originally kissed him out of annoyance because he was giving all that big talk about fiancée this and fiancée that and yet he was going about with that girl clinging onto him. And also because I wanted to confirm, like Persephone suggested, which only made me more confused.

Why did I like the kiss so much?? Why did I not want it to stop??? HOW COULD I HAVE LET OUT A MOAN???!!!

"How??? How did you know?" I asked in my normal voice, staring up at him in utter shock.

He suddenly turned red and looked away, making me more curious about his answer. "Your taste..." he started, embarrassed, taking me in shock. "You had the same salty taste..."

"I kissed you once, over a month ago... How could you remember my taste?" I asked, hiding my blush and forcing him to look at me.

He suddenly grabbed my face and brought it closer to his, "Yǔ...", he whispered softly into my ears, sending shivers down my spine, "You keep forgetting that I am a man..."

At that, I pushed him away, completely red in the face, before walking past him and sitting on the sofa. He sat himself beside me and we both stared straight at the wall in silence, just coming to realize what we had done. I kissed him... again! I initiated the kiss.


"So... who's the pretty lady who had her arms around you throughout the auction?" I asked to change the subject...

(momentarily confused): Huh??? Ahh, you mean Yun Yun?

Me (kind of ticked off): Ohh... So her name is Yun Yun. What's she to you?

(shrugging): Nothing really... We're friends, I guess...

Me (staring at him with a threatening look): Really??? If I find out otherwise from someone else, you'll have hell to pay...

(shuddering): I had courted her before, a long time ago... When she knew I was in the capital, she wanted to meet up because, I guess, she expected to pick us off from where we had left off. But I had no such intentions...

Me (frowning): Really? From where I was sitting, you didn't seem to mind her being all close to you, and yet every time I touch you, you flinch.

(in an amused voice): Are you jealous?

At that, something in my head just clicked. I easily overpowered him and pushed him down to the sofa, pinning his hands over his head and making him shout out in surprise. "Not jealous. Possessive, extremely possessive..." I said with a dangerous gleam in my eye. "I already told you before that if we are going through with this engagement, then I have no intention to share you with anyone else, tradition be damned. If you cheat on me or so much as have another girl clinging all over you, I don't know what I would do in a jealous, possessive rage. To the both of you."

It was at this precise moment that Bai Ze threw open the door and barged in upon hearing the shout, only to come to a halt at the sight of me hovering over Lì, with his hands trapped over his head.  All three of us just stared at each other in shock for over a minute before I masked my voice, "Preposterous! How dare a simple retainer barge in without permission?!" I yelled, using the atmospheric water to slam the door shut and lock it.

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