Chapter 63

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Yǔ's POV

(A/N: PJ's dress and hairstyle are worn as above, except for the cat ears; everything else is the same. One of the hairpins is her sword.)

PJ is rich, and she shows it—delicate and pretty but powerful and confident. I decided to go all purple with a hint of white here and there and wore a full-length hanfu along with a white cloak reaching my feet and a white veil to cover the lower part of my face. I had Yángliǔ help me with my hair, which she adorned with four hair sticks (including the sword) and a gold head chain.

Because of the lack of freedom and the dangers of being discovered as Li Yǔ, I decided to gain power through a disguise, and after much contemplation, I decided to go with my original appearance, in a female form. This way, even if the gods, or anyone else for that matter, hear about me, they'll never be able to find me because they'd never connect PJ with Li Yǔ.

Although, if I were being honest, it was an attempt to keep Percy Jackson alive, in some sense, because he may as well be nonexistent both now and in the future. Nobody will ever call me by that name again...

I vapor-traveled myself a bit away from the auction house and walked the rest of the way. I smirked slightly as people would turn and look as I walked past. Reaching the auction house, I walk up to the guards and give a sweet smile, altering my voice to make it more delicate. "Hello... I would like to auction off some pills; could you assist me?" ...

Guard 1 (ogling for too long): Do you have any identification cards from the auction house?

Me (smiling while wanting to punch the guy): I'm afraid not... This is my first time coming to an auction house...

Guard 2 (sneering): Little miss, our auction house doesn't do business with nobodies like you...

Me (maintaining my smile): But you haven't even assessed my pills...

Guard 1 (snorting): Miss, at one glance we can tell that you have no qi so please stop wasting our time and move along...

"Ohh, was that the issue???", I started with a small smirk, "Well, that's an easy fix..." I closed my eyes and released the fire qi that I had suppressed letting it flow out in waves and overpower the guards causing them to fall to their knees. Their faces slowly started to turn red as the heat got to them.

The door flew open about three minutes later and a middle-aged man stepped out, "What is the meaning of this??? Who intends to go to war against our Huixi Commercial Auction House??" He was in the lower heaven realm and from the qi, I could tell that he was Hermes' aura. Although he was suppressed by me, he made sure not to show it and stood confidently when facing me...

Me (innocently): I just came here to sell pills and yet these guards mocked me for not having any qi. I was just suppressing it to not bring attention to myself but who would have thought that the auction house would treat their prospective clients like this... To think I traveled all the way here, at the recommendation of a good friend, only to receive such a poor welcome.

A hint of fear was evident in the man's eyes but he hid it well (not half bad) and bowed respectfully, "I am Yao Chen, the manager of this auction house. I apologize for the actions of the guards and will ensure they are reprimanded for the same. Please come in so that I may assess the young miss' pills..."

I gracefully followed Yao Chen as he led me to a private room and left to summon their receptarier (alchemist) I took a seat and crossed my legs confidently. He returned with a young man who bowed as I handed him my jade bottle which held the three pills. He opened it and brought the mouth of the bottle to his nose and sniffed the contents before looking at me in shock, "Did you create this, miss???", he asked in wonder.

Me (smirking): Naturally... Now then, do tell... Is my pills fit for this great auction house???

Receptarier: These are extraordinary... Even though they are only rank-4 pills, the fragrance they give is so strong that it could be as effective as a rank-5 or rank-6 pill. If I may be so bold, what is this pill called???

Me (confidently): It is called a Qi Accumulating Pill that allows people to absorb, accumulate, and further their qi to skip levels. It is one of a kind and can be produced solely by me...

Yao Chen (bowing respectfully): It would be our honor to auction the pill at our house. If Miss is fine with it, we will sell them separately and request a commission of 10% from the final price. The starting price will be 500 silver taels...

Me (nodding): Proceed... And if possible, I would like to watch the auction...

Yao Chen: I will have a separate room prepared for the miss...

Fifteen minutes later, I was escorted to an upstairs room, whose indoor circular balcony overlooked the auction. I was reminded of an opera house with private boxes. I took a seat on a soft luxurious sofa, with a hidden smile. Since they were going this far to accommodate me, it only meant that they knew I was good. Mael settled himself on my lap, invincible, and I lazily scratched his head as I watched people filling the seats below. I glanced at the other balconies, though I could only see the ones on the opposite side of me since those to my right and left were hidden behind the walls until my eyes finally rested on a particular one.

 I glanced at the other balconies, though I could only see the ones on the opposite side of me since those to my right and left were hidden behind the walls until my eyes finally rested on a particular one

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My lips slowly raised into a small smile at the sight of the familiar man, who I had not seen for over a month before it slowly turned into a frown and then a deadly glare. I forced my anger down as I stared as a seventeen-eighteen-year-old girl walked up to him from behind and flung her hands around his shoulder making the corner of my right eye twitch.

She was a pretty girl, with pale white jade-like skin, snow-like hair, and a thin curvy body. She was graceful in every action. I could tell from where I was sitting that she was a cultivator with Zeus' qi, wind type qi... What are the chances that my rival would have the same qi as my killer??? Is this fates way of telling me that we are destined to be enemies???

Who the hell is she??? Why is she hugging my fiancé with such familiarity??? Why is he not pushing her away??? Don't tell me he is cheating on me already

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Who the hell is she??? Why is she hugging my fiancé with such familiarity??? Why is he not pushing her away??? Don't tell me he is cheating on me already. It wasn't even over a month since we got engaged!!! "Stay, Mael...", I growled in anger as the dragon noticed and was about to go to him, making him flinch. He could tell that I was not angry at him and why I was angry too but he still cowered at my anger. Calm down, Percy, you don't know if he's cheating on you yet, it could just be his sister... Yes, that's it... She's his sister... his sister...

The cup of wine that I was holding got crushed within my grasp and the liquid ran down my fingers and arm as I watched her whisper something into his ears.

Ohh Lì, for your sake and her's... You better pray that she is your sister...

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