Chapter 13

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Lì's POV

Here I was spending almost a whole month trying to find her and just when I'd given up, she just waltzed right in and started criticizing me about the poor defense system of my base, which is sadly true... Especially in her case, because, like she said, she was easily able to get in and out of the base.

But at the mention of her knowing what was going on, I forced my amusement aside and became cautious. If she really did know about the truth, then I'd have to kill her. Well,  I'd have to kill her either way since she's come in here and all but...

Me (cautiously (putting on an emotionless face)): Oh, ya? And what's that?

: Well, if my guess is right, you are an army from one of the neighboring countries that set up base here to capture this country, although... It's pretty cowardly of you to just walk in through the back door while the third prince is risking his life on the front lines for this country. But hey, no judgment; when it comes to war, you have to do what you have to do to win...

I stared at her in silence for a solid minute, feeling as though the wall I had just built to hide my amusement had been demolished to bits, and then burst into laughter. Hearing her talk as though she had it all figured out when she was as far from the truth as possible and again criticizing and at the same time complementing me, without knowing, with that straight and confident face of hers was absolutely hilarious. She seems to hold high respect for the third prince from her tone; if only she knew that the very third prince she was talking about was standing right in front of her...

It's surprising that she didn't even suspect that I was the third prince, even after I gave her my name. She seems really smart about some stuff but at the same time absolutely oblivious about other stuff...

I suddenly felt a slight pain in my abdomen, which at first I thought was because I was laughing so hard but then it became more and more painful until I finally coughed up blood onto my hands... Damn, talking to her, I had completely forgotten that I had been in the middle of stabilizing my cultivation breakthrough before I had sensed her entering and had been completely distracted afterward...

I doubled over and had to drive my sword into the ground and use that as support. I heard her gasp and call my name as she tried to support me in a sitting position. It was then that she did something that I never expected... She placed each hand on the partition of my clothing and pulled them apart with great force. Does this girl have no awareness about undressing a man or is she just that daring?

Me (trying to hide my embarrassment): Does it not bring you shame to pull apart a man's clothing like that?

(looking confused): Not really... It doesn't make much difference at all to me...

For a second, I forgot all about the unbearable pain I was feeling. What did she mean by saying that it doesn't make much of a difference to her? Has she done this a lot??? Or is she really that oblivious???

Me: What??? Do you go around ripping other people's clothes too??

(absentmindedly responding): No... You're the first... I don't see any wounds (touching the already healed scars on my chest (making me turn all the more red)) ... So why are you bleeding internally???

It was then that I remembered that she had treated all my injuries the previous time. Is she a doctor??? If so, she wouldn't be embarrassed when seeing half-naked men, I guess. I mean there are male doctors who treat females... Although female doctors are very rare, still how can she just go undressing a guy without even getting permission???

Me (speaking through the pain): It's not because of any wound so can you please stop strongly gazing at my body like that...

(confused): Then why are you bleeding??

Me (talking through the pain): You just came in at the wrong time... It happens whenever you don't properly stabilize your cultivation... And you interrupted me when I was doing that so it made the qi unstable and explode, damaging my internal organ...

She stares at me like I had grown a second head before bombarding me with questions, "I didn't get a single word you said... What cultivation??? What is Qi?? Why is it bursting your internal organs?"

I stared at her in shock. Everybody was taught about cultivation from the time they could understand. They were taught to absorb Qi even before they could walk or write so how is it that she doesn't know any of it when she's already in her teens?? I didn't have time to concentrate on that right now; I had to stabilize my qi before it became too late...

Me: Look, I need you to leave and wait outside for me. I'll come get you as soon as I've taken care of things here... Just keep yourself hidden... And don't go anywhere...

She looked a bit hesitant for a few minutes and then got up and left. It was only then that I realized I still didn't know her name. But I had to immediately put that thought aside, sat down with my legs crossed, hands together, and started concentrating on stabilizing my qi. I gathered and circulated the unstable qi, and suppressed and refined it. It took about thirty minutes till I felt the powers surge within my body as I finally managed to stabilize my breakthrough.

I opened my eyes just as the shadows in the room shifted and grew into the form of a wolf as dark as night, my spirit beast. He had been resting all this time after exhausting his powers during the war; I guess my breakthrough helped him level up and increase his powers. I got up and took out a rejuvenating pill (can heal wounds but it is very expensive) as the wolf walked towards me...

Me (rubbing his fur affectionately): How are your injuries coming along, Shadow???

Shadow (purring): Your breakthrough has greatly helped me, master... I am sorry I couldn't help with the assassination...

Me (fondly): You've already helped me enough...

Shadow: But master, why did your qi suddenly become so unstable???

Me (sighing while slightly smiling): I got a bit distracted... Did it cause any side-effects for you???

Shadow: Since you dealt with it quickly, there wasn't much that I could not handle... I have almost recovered so I'll be able to help you as before...

Me (smiling): My friend, nothing matters as long as you have recovered...


(A/N: So I had read two manga a few days back and had been surprised to come across these scenes in both of them (perfect timing too) and decided to upload them to give you all a visual idea of what it was like when pulled apart Lì's clothing. It's basically the same, but shows different reactions for you to pick from.)


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