Chapter 14

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Li Yǔ's POV

It's been almost an hour since Lì asked me to leave and I can't help but think that something bad might have happened. I don't know what he meant by 'qi' or that cultivation stuff, but usually when someone coughs up blood, it means that something is wrong, right?

I had gotten tired of using the shadows to hide myself and had decided to climb up a nearby tree to stay out of sight. And for a person with ADHD, sitting still wasn't in my vocabulary. I kept thinking about whether to storm in or not. At one point I was plucking the petals off a flower to decide, but then I'd forget whether I was at "go in" or "don't go in" and have to start all over only to return to the same issue. So after a few tries, I gave that up. At another point, I found myself nibbling on an apple (I don't know where that came from) and then my mind wandered to different things.

I was just thinking about how funny it was to see Lì getting all flustered when I pulled apart his clothes. I mean, since I'm technically a guy, I don't really find it embarrassing or wrong but seeing him all flustered and blushing just makes me want to ruffle him up again. Is that weird? He seemed like someone who hadn't been in contact with women all his life; if so, then I guess that could be why he got embarrassed so easily...

It was then that I heard the door open and looked down to see Lì walk out, all healthy, and look around (I'm guessing for me)... I looked around to make sure no one was nearby before hollering down at him.

(surprised): I thought you had gone again...

Me (grinning proudly): Well, you told me to stay out of sight...

: Didn't you get stuck on a tree the last time??? Why did you climb back up again??

Me (confused for a second before recalling our first encounter): Shit!!! I forgot about that... Um... Can you help me down???

: Why would you even climb up when you know you can't get down???

Me (feigning embarrassment and fear (I just thought of a way that might make him flustered (smirking internally)): I wasn't thinking!! I rarely ever do!!! Help me down; I'm getting queasy!

 "Wait there... I'll get someone...", he starts, starting to turn to leave but I stop him by exclaiming, "Catch me!!!"

Without even giving him time to react, I let myself fall down towards him, while he had a shocked expression on his face, and instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist. Only I did not expect the impact which sent us to the ground with me on top of him. It took a second to get my bearing, and I raised my head from his chest where it had been resting, letting my hair fall, and found myself staring down at a shocked and frozen Lì. Our lips were only centimeters away... Okay, not the best plan, and yes I was a tad embarrassed... I moved into a sitting position on top of Lì's stomach with my knees bent on either side...

 I moved into a sitting position on top of Lì's stomach with my knees bent on either side

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