Chapter 88

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(16th August, Morning)

Lì's POV

I don't move. I am lying flat on the bed, with Yǔ fast asleep on top of me, occasionally rubbing her cheek against my chest and my right hand lying over her back from when I patted her while she cried. I don't know how long she cried or how long it was before she actually fell asleep. Occasionally, she'd whimper, seemingly in pain, and I'd bring my right hand to her head to stroke her hair, trying to soothe her and comfort her from whatever dream she was having. But otherwise, I haven't moved a muscle.

I couldn't help but feel a bit stupefied by my current predicament. Does she not see me as a man, even the littlest bit? It feels wrong to think that, given the situation and Yǔ's current state of mind, but what else am I to think of as she blows little puffs of warm air against my neck ever so often?! Or with how her hands are wrapped around my neck, occasionally rubbing the skin. 

On the one hand, I'm glad I was able to help her and ease her to sleep, but on the other hand, I'm somewhere between hurt and stunned that she can just fall asleep with me, an adult man, in her bed—scratch that, she fell asleep on top of me!

Like seriously? Does she not see me as a man?? How can she let me sleep on her bed without any thought? How can she sleep so peacefully while I'm lying here wide-eyed? I get that she trusts me but still, this is too much!! Heck, I don't trust myself to be in the same room with her, let alone in bed with her so how could she trap me under her like this!!? 

This is a stab at my ego!

I don't know how many hours have passed but seeing the sunlight filtering through the window, it was obviously morning. Yǔ stretched her face upwards and nuzzled against my neck, moaning in her sleep, making my brain go on overdrive and my blood rush downwards. It's like she's testing my self-control, and I'm this close to failing.

Finally, after what felt like forever in a new type of torture, she stirred, lifted her head, and blinked her eyes open, staring down at me, her blonde hair cascading down one side. Her brows furrowed together as surprise flashed in her eyes before she remembered the events of last night. Her cheeks took on a shade of pink and just as she opened her mouth to speak, a knock came from the door, making both our heads whip in that direction.

Shit! If whoever was on the other side opened the door, walked in, and caught us in the obviously incriminating position, we'd be screwed. Even though technically we are engaged, it is still frowned upon for unmarried women to be caught in bed with a man, even their fiancée.

"Miss!" a voice called out from the other side. "May I come in?"

Yǔ raised one hand to her lips, motioning for me to keep quiet while she placed her other palm on my chest, and the next thing I knew, I was standing in a brightly lit room—well, not a room since there were no walls. Just water surrounding in all directions, and a path leading to a white marble-stoned throne. I walked up to the throne and was just about to touch it when Mael appeared in front of me. And not the Mael I was familiar with—no, this was a hundred-foot dragon.

I held out my hand, not feeling scared even in the slightest. I had confirmed my suspicion last night and knew that her beasts would never harm me. And as if to prove my trust, the dragon brought his snout down and touched it to my outstretched palm, gently directing me away from the throne. I let him, knowing with certainty that he was doing it for my sake.

"Where are we, big guy?" I asked in wonder, rubbing up and down his long neck. I wasn't particularly worried since wherever this was, it was somewhere Persea sent me so I wasn't in danger of any kind. Sele plopped herself on my head and made a grumbling noise that brought a smile to my face. I sincerely hoped these beasts would never stop treating me this way, because if they did, it would mean that Persea no longer cared for me.

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