Chapter 59

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Li Yǔ's POV

(The flames are green, not orange but otherwise, it looks like the above in a vial.)

Seeing that they wrecked my courtyard, it only makes sense to give back a hundredfold, and by that, I mean to burn my dear sister's courtyard to the ground. I watched with a smirk on my face as the vial flew through the air. "Three... Two... One..." I counted, taking a few steps back.

Almost simultaneously, the vial made contact with the ground, exploded, and the green flames erupted, spreading in all directions and consuming the residence as a whole. Everyone stared horrifiedly while I gave them a sweet smile. Since I was blessed by Hestia, who could control the purest of flames, I was able to contain the flames as I wished and ensure that they didn't spread outside the gates.

Juan let out a horrified scream, "WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE!!!", as she watched all her belongings burn to ashes.

Me (innocently): You have to understand, sister. I am now the betrothed of the third prince; if word got out that I let everyone walk all over me, then it would bring shame to the third prince. I hope my sister doesn't blame me for this.

By bringing up the third prince, I made it so that nobody could find fault with my actions. Bai Zou's face had gone from shock to pride to unaffected by what I had just done. Mael was more than overjoyed that I finally took actual action and was laughing in satisfaction, while Quan looked horrified and Father stared at me with a murderous look. "What was that?" he asked, suppressing his anger.

I tilted my head to the right and put on a look of complete innocence. " gave it to me after the banquet. He said that it was a sweet toy that I would like to play with." And with that, they couldn't question the origin of the weapon. It is so sweet to have a backer who can take all the blame.

"If that is all, Father?" I took one last glance at the burning residence before turning around and walking back to my residence, with Quan and Bai Zou following. No one followed us, being too preoccupied with putting out the fire, which they wouldn't be able to do for about five hours. I entered my room and motioned for Quan to shut the door and remain outside.

Once the door was closed, I swept my hand around the room, willing all the damaged stuff to disappear into my space. Luckily, all the important stuff was originally stored in my space, from the clothes I had purchased to the small pieces of jewelry. I summoned two chairs and sat down, motioning for Bai Zou to take the other, which he refused in respect (since servants and guards shouldn't sit with their masters but remain standing by their sides).

Bai Zou (in excitement): What was that? Any chance I can get one of those?

Me (grinning at his excitement): It's called Greek Fire... And no, I can't give it to you. Unlike normal fire, this is extremely dangerous and can burn anything in its path. It can even burn water so that's saying something. If you can't control it, then you'll find yourself in flames...

Bai Zou (taking a quick step back): Ya, I don't need it after all...

Me (laughing): So... What are you here for?

Bai Zou (seriously): Master was worried about you for some reason and asked me to check up on you. Although I must say I never expected this. Even after you spoke about being bullied, this was beyond what I imagined... What do you plan to do about furniture and clothes???

Me (sighing): Well, I do have a way to get all that I need but that would raise suspicion. I don't suppose you could get Lì to send over some stuff. Just the basics: a bed, table, chair, some clothes, cupboard... Or if you could have some empty boxes personally delivered, I could pretend my stuff is from them. It would also show that Lì values me...

Bai Zou (nodding): Sure... They'll be delivered tomorrow morning if you can manage until then.

Me (seriously): Also, please let Lì know that I plan on using his name to get away with a lot since it will put less suspicion on me. I'll make it up to him somehow...

Bai Zou: I doubt you'll have to but I'll let him know... Will you be fine on your own?

Me (smirking): You know best what I am capable of; I'll be fine...

He gave me a small smile and patted my head. "A young girl like you shouldn't have to worry about such stuff." he sympathized. I grinned at him before snapping my fingers and summoning three shadow knights, making Bai Zou step back in shock.

"I had been meaning to give them to you, one for you, Bai Ze and , but never found the right time. They're shadow knights... They reside in your shadows and offer protection when needed. You had implied previously that has been targeted so I'm sure they'll be useful.", I said with a smile, to which Bai Zou returned. I could tell that he had enough trust in me to accept them. I stood up, walked towards the knights, and implanted an image of who they had to protect. They nodded and jumped into Bai Zou's shadow, making him jump back in surprise. I grinned as he opened the door, slightly bowing to Quan, and disappeared.

A few minutes after he left, I called Quan and Mǎn Xī in to check if they were fine and comforted them for a while before telling them to go and rest for the day. I sighed, leaning back against the chair, staring at the ceiling, and closing my eyes. Just a few hours ago, I had been preoccupied by the kiss but now I was feeling annoyed and mad.

Yángliǔ (softly opening the door): Miss???

Me (looking up and smiling): I take it you had something to do with the missing jade?

Yángliǔ (grinning and flinging herself at me): I saw the spy maid holding it and going near your bed. She seemed suspicious so after she left, I came to see. It was under your pillow (she handed me the bracelet) so I took it just in case...

Me (smiling and taking the bracelet): Hoo... I see I've been too generous with those girls (to myself), and since they don't have much to do, I might as well triple their workloads. Good job... Yángliǔ, I need you to protect this residence as well as Quan and Mǎn Xī when I'm not there. Those two are too weak to protect themselves, so I worry...

Yángliǔ (grinning): Yes miss!!! I'll take good care of them.

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