Chapter 76

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Hi, everyone.


It took a while cause I was busy going through the story and making changes and adding stuff here and there (the grammatical mistakes I made, yikes!). So if you're interested, you can choose to read the story over, but it's not necessary since the changes are pretty minor and don't affect the overall plot much.

Hopefully, I won't disappear on you again, at least until this book ends. Anyhoo, I'm back for now with more chapters. Before I begin, I plan to remove 'Lover of the Earth' from Wattpad. Many readers constantly ask about the book, and I have no idea what to do about it since I may have to make major plot changes. I will restart it at a later date once I figure out what changes I want to make.

So, without further ado...


Yǔ's POV

My eyes slowly fluttered open to find myself staring at Lì's face, which startled me. The memories of the day slowly filtered through my brain, hitting me with a wave of embarrassment. Just thinking about everything I said and did made me turn scarlet in embarrassment and made me wish that the earth would just swallow me whole!

I am never depriving myself of sleep again!

"Do you feel better???" Lì asked, seeing me up.

I hide my embarrassment and sit up, stretching my legs, only to stub my toe against the wooden wall. "Ouch..." I winced, grabbing my toe and pressing it to stop the pain. I used the atmospheric water to revitalize me before turning around, grinning at Lì, and bringing my index finger to my lips. "Fun fact... Because of my affinity with the water qi, water is very helpful for me; it can heal and even reenergize me. As my fiancée, you should know that.

At this point, I was willing to say just about anything if it meant him thinking that I wasn't bothered by everything that had happened since spotting Lì today. I mean, I introduced Lì to Sele as 'Daddy' but I'm just going to gloze over that little tit-bit and pretend it never happened. And then once I leave here, I'll dig a big hole and bury myself in it!! 

Lì smiled, "Noted... So just make you drink water."

"Drink... Better yet, just toss it on my face; the effects are faster that way." I shrug. Somebody tell me if I'm just making it worse!! Better yet, make me stoppp!!

(shaking his head with a smile): So why didn't you do it???

Me (scratching my head with a sheepish smile): I was too drained after using my powers for three days straight, and soon after, I heard of this place from my servant and rushed over.

I did use a mere amount each day to clean myself, but otherwise, I didn't have enough qi in my reserve or enough strength to absorb and convert more. While I have a pretty large reserve, which replenishes automatically, if I use my powers for long periods without proper rest, my body will be in a state of physical and mental exhaustion, making the extent of those powers I can access limited. I would have needed at least three hours' worth of complete submersion to be refreshed, and even then I would have to get some shut-eye because, while the waters will revitalize and refresh me to an extent, they don't tackle the root cause, which is fatigue. But I spent the past four days locked up, creating pills, and then ran off soon after to the den.

(raising an eye): What's with the sudden need for qi???

"I needed it for Sele...", I started before remembering something that made me feel guilty. "I'm sorry...", I started sadly, lowering my head in guilt, taking him by surprise before continuing, "I formed a blood contract with the egg without realizing..."

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