Chapter 77

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Lì's POV

Why did Bai Zou have to always be right (and the look he kept giving me didn't help at all)??? That was what I was thinking as everything unraveled pretty quickly. Well, in reality, all I was thinking was, 'Shit, shit, shit!!!'.

How could I have forgotten that I was with Yun-Yun??? Why couldn't I have told her that I had a fiancée from the start??? And why did Yǔ's first 'official' meeting with her have to be like this??

I flinched when Yun-Yun questioned me about Yǔ and slowly turned towards Yǔ's, only to be met with a smoldering glare. I royally screwed up, didn't I??? And to think I was naïve enough to consider that no harm would come out of this...

"Yun-Yun, let me introduce you... This is my fiancée, Li Yǔ. And Yǔ'er... This is Ye Yun-Yun; she's like my little sister." I said, keeping a straight voice and emphasizing the 'sister' part.


Yǔ's POV

I watch Yun Yun's reaction closely to see whether I have anything to be worried about or not. And it was pretty obvious from the way she took a step back, clenched her fist, her face morphing into shock, and her lips trembling slightly. She was clearly into Lì.

"Nice to meet you, sister Yun Yun." I say with a sweet smile, masking my annoyance.

"You... you are engaged???" she asked Lì with a trembling voice, completely ignoring me. I took a deep breath, badly wanting to draw my sword out. Here I am trying to be nice, and this brat ignores me???

"I don't approve!!!" insisted Yun-Yun stubbornly, surprising Lì. "I've heard a lot about you!!! You... How dare you try to claw your way into brother Lì's life, you pathetic eyesore!!!" she yelled, bringing everyone's attention towards us. She actually surprised me; you don't usually say such horrible stuff to someone, especially in front of your crush. I glanced around as more and more people started looking over.

Luckily both Mael and Sele were within the domain, or else who knows what Mael would have done if he had heard that? Bai Ze and Bai Zou were shocked at what she said, while Lì frowned. "That's enough, Yun-Yun." He ordered, his voice going stern.

"NO!!!" she yelled out again. "Brother Lì, you're like this because you don't know anything about her. This girl is so shameless that I can't help but be nauseous standing so close to her. You should hear all the rumors about her; she's as shameless as a whore could get!! I don't agree to this engagement!!" She spouted, thinking that Lì hadn't heard about my terrible reputation.

"Who in Hades are you to offer your opinion???" I started in an emotionless voice. "Even the Emperor himself consented to this union, so what makes you think your mere approval matters??? Or are you saying that the Emperor's decision was wrong???"

She glared at me as she stepped forward and released her qi (which was in the middle earth realm, first level), wanting to scare me off with her glare. Honestly, her releasing her qi was like child's play, but the fact that her qi belonged to Zeus made me involuntarily flinch, remembering my execution. On seeing me shrink back for a second, she smiled, thinking that I was frightened off by her little power play. As the initial repulsion faded away, I softly snorted at her attempt. This little puppy, who was still wet behind her ears, thought that her little show was enough to scare me.

"A level one weakling is not deserving of brother..." She started in a threatening voice.

"Hoo... And you think you are deserving of him???" I scorned, interrupting her mid-sentence.

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