Chapter 70

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SO SO VERY SORRY for not updating last week!!! Chapter 69 was the end of that particular arc so I was trying to decide what to do for the next arc which took some time. So here we go...

Also above are her wardrobe and hairstyle. She wears stockings similar to her sleeves, a light blue color.

Chapter 70 

Yǔ's POV

(A/N Just to make sure the viewers are aware, depending on whom Yǔ is talking to, she shifts from English or Greek to Chinese, the former being used when she is with the gods. Though I'm writing the conversations in English, that doesn't mean that she's conversing solely in English.

Although names such as Mael, Shadow, and future beast names (so far) are all English names unless written otherwise (like Yángliǔ (the willow dryad) or Wéifēng (Bai Ze's beast))

"Oh, Uncle Hades!!!" I call out in a sing-song voice as I skip down the halls of the underworld palace. It had been two weeks since my little date with Lì, two extremely wonderful weeks.

"Don't worry, Yǔ ... I'll make you trust me soon." Every time I think about what he said, I feel unreasonably happy and in a good mood, so much so that I didn't feel like causing trouble for the past two weeks, though it wasn't the only reason...

I opened the door to the throne room and barged right in before coming to a halt, doing a double-take to make sure I hadn't seen wrong. In the throne room, it appears as though Hades is having a three-person girly tea party, complete with pink tea cups and plates, cute-looking snacks, etc. I almost failed to hold back my snicker. "I could almost see you in a pretty pink frock." I mocked, switching from English to Chinese (since they had a guest; luckily, I hadn't spoken Greek), tilting my head to the right while trying to keep a straight face.

Hades' face turned into a nice shade of gold, in embarrassment, as he snapped his finger and all the tea set disappeared, replaced by three somber thrones. "Aw!" I pouted, feigning disappointment. Persephone and their guest brought their hands to cover their lips, trying to hold back their laughter at the joke.

"Who's this human girl???" enquired the familiar goddess in curiosity, shifting to my language while calmly drinking from the cup of nectar that she had been holding before everything disappeared. "She's not your daughter... Clearly not your lover (glancing at the grinning Persephone at that) and yet she boldly waltzes in here and mocks you??"


"I've been too tolerant with her antics." retorted Hades with a half-smile before shifting glances between the sea goddess and me and looking worriedly. I could instantly guess his thoughts. What if there was some bad blood between me and my stepmother??? He looked ready to ask Amphitrite to leave. It was sweet that he was worried about these little things.

"Yǔ!!!", Persephone squealed in joy, running and engulfing me in an embrace, clearly happy to see me. "You're just in time... Milord allowed for me to have a tea party to appease my boredom."

Me (grinning): I didn't know you two were close...

Amphitrite (still curious about me): We're sisters-in-law... So we make it a point to at least spend time together.

Well, that's interesting. I wonder if they still do that in the present; if so, how come I never heard of this??? "In that case, aren't you missing one???"

Amphitrite let out an unladylike snort and tried to pass it off as a cough, leaving me stunned for a minute. She's never snorted in all my eleven years of knowing her. "Please, Hera would rather be caught dead before stepping foot in the underworld.", she laughed out

Persephone (sighing): Not to mention... She doesn't take too kindly to me, being Father's daughter and all...

Amphitrite (smiling at me in curiosity): Who are you, by the way???

"Ah... How rude of me! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Li Yǔ. I am currently honored to be trained under Shifu Hades." I say, smiling and giving a slight bow. I glanced secretly at Hades and he nodded with a smile, understanding and immediately playing along. Looking at Persephone, she obviously seemed confused but went with it.

(A/N: Shifu (Shīfù) refers to teacher or master. Percy uses this as an excuse for how she knows Hades, Hestia, and Hephaestus, so the other gods will think that she only knows little about them.

Hades (smartly shifting to Ancient Greek to keep up the ruse while I acted as though I couldn't understand): Right, you know how the mortals are absorbing our powers. I came across this girl, absorbing my powers, and decided to take her in to find out more about how they can do it, and in return, I am helping her draw out her full potential. I haven't told her about our kind; she thinks we're humans, so just play along.

Amphitrite (in Greek): Does she know she's in the underworld???

Hades (shaking his head): No, I gave her a jewel that directly transports her into the palace and out to the upper world.

I tilted my head, feigning confusion, although I understood everything he said. I could tell he was doing this to keep up the act as well as so that there wouldn't be any mix-up in our backstory. Hades asked Persephone to lead their guest out and after the two went, he then turned to me in worry. "I take it there are no problems between you two???"

I sighed, letting myself fall onto the sofa that he had created, and switched to English. "I can't say for sure... We were actually very close but after the whole disownment, I didn't go to see her in case it would be awkward or she'd be on Poseidon's side and she never made any effort to see me either so who knows?"

"If I had known you were coming, I wouldn't have let you two meet... You should give me some prior warning,", he said, shaking his head and walking over to the throne. "Good thinking on the whole Shifu thing..."

"What was that all about, by the way???" questioned Persephone as she walked in.

"Ahh... Sorry for putting you in a tough spot, aunt... I'd just rather they didn't know much about me. I prefer being under their radar for my safety, given my strength." I said, with an apologetic smile. She nodded since it made sense, and she let it go, coming and happily dropping herself beside me. "So... to what do we owe this visit???" she asked, taking my hand in hers, her eyes shining suggestively. She was clearly wondering whether it had anything to do with Lì. I shook my head as a small blush rose to my cheeks.

"No, I came here to show you this..." I said as I held out my hand and an egg appeared hovering a few centimeters above my palm. I used the shadows to hold it up while Persephone and Hades examined it.

I had been feeding it with both water and shadow qi ever since I got it, especially these past two weeks, when I'd spent most of my time solely on increasing its qi intake since, according to Mael, it was close to hatching but needed a large supply of qi. It had gone back to its original size.

Hades (curiously): What is it? It has a huge amount of my power...

Me (grinning): It's an egg—a beast egg, to be exact. And it's about to hatch so I thought you'd be interested. There's only one problem...


So here's a question for a possible side chapter: should future Amphitrite be Team Percy or Team Poseidon, i.e., what should her views be on the disownment and execution, etc.???

Again, sorry for the wait, will upload the next chapter either after a few hours or tomorrow, so until then, don't forget to vote, comment and follow. :):):)


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