Chapter 2

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A/N: I got some of the names from mangas and stories I read so they might be similar.

Percy's POV

It hurts... Everywhere, it hurts... Why does it hurt even after I'm dead??? I opened my eyes, slowly sat up and clutched my head in pain. Wait... Shouldn't I be dead??? And why is there a bandage around my head??? There is no way someone can live after being struck by lightning, especially Zeus' (he must have used his most deadly bolt to kill me). I even felt the pain, for a long time, so how is it that I am still alive???

Wait, where even am I??? This room isn't the cabin nor is it anywhere in Olympus (I mean, Olympus wouldn't have such a shabby looking room, heck even the prison was fancy). I sat up properly; although I was still in pain, and looked down to find myself staring at... breast???

Me (in shock): AHHHH!!!!

Wait... Aren't they... No, that can't be... I slowly bought my hands to touch it (which was extremely uncomfortable to do), and sure enough it was the real thing, before drawing my hands away quickly.

Me (to myself): What's going on??? Is this some sort of sick godish joke??? Why do I have breast??? Don't tell me... Please don't tell me I'm a girl!!!!

The fates must really love messing with me to turn me into a girl!!! It was only then that I noticed the hair cascading down my shoulder. Great... Just great, not only am I a girl but I just HAVE to be blonde!!! 

Now I realize I'm obsessing more over the 'blonde hair' part that the 'became a girl' part, but can you blame me? Let's just chalk that up to my weird ADHA wired brain or the whole 'somehow survived being electrecuted alive' and entertain the thought a bit. Why, why blonde? It could have been any hair color. What have I ever done to deserve this!!! Why do I have to have the same hair color as the whore of a daughter of my least favourite goddess? Her cheating, lying, back-stabbing excuse of a daughter. I mean seriously? Wavey blonde hair? I know that the fates like screwing with me but this is going tooo far!!!

Girl (running in (staring at me shocked) ): MISS!!! You're not dead!!! You're not dead!!!! I'm so glad you're okay!!!

The strange girl bursting into tears and flinging herself at me pulled me out of my pity-party for one. She started crying while clutching onto me. Who in Zeus' name is she??? Did she just call me 'miss'??? What exactly is happening??? "Wait for a moment, calm down...", I asked, attempting to understand what was going on at the moment, "Who are you?"

"You don't remember, miss?", she asked as she raised her tear-stained face to meet mine, "You must have lost your memories when you hit your head on the rock!"

Me (confused): Hit my head on the rock??? Please explain...

Girl (removing herself from me and kneeling on the floor): Yes, miss... You were going on a walk in the garden and second miss came, pretending to be nice, and purposely pushed you into the lake. You hit your head on a rock, started bleeding. This servant dragged you out and ran to get a guard to carry you to your room and called a doctor. He bandaged your head and said there was no other damage and that you'd wake up on your own. But you have been unconscious for three days and I was so worried...

Me (confused): Wait... Who is second miss??? Forget that, who am I??? And could you please get up...

Girl (getting up and starting to leave): You don't even remember who you are??? This is bad; I'll go and get the doctor.

Me (quickly): NO!!! I'm fine... I just don't remember many things and need you to explain. What year it is???

Girl: Year??? It would be the year 633. During the Tang Empire....

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