Chapter 45

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I don't know why, but I actually started to enjoy Persephone's company during our walk. I finally understood why she had been rude to Nico; he must have been a living reminder about how close Hades was to possibly leaving her. I couldn't help feeling sorry for her so when she said that she just wanted to find out how Hades felt, I did the first thing that popped into my head.

Now, don't get me wrong... I'm not a pervert. I'd seen the Aphrodite girls wearing such costumes countless times, though I never really got them, and since I was in a female body, it didn't seem all that weird. It was like I was helping out a fellow girlfriend.

Of course, that thought did start to worry me. Was I really turning into a girl, like Mael said? Seeing Persephone like that didn't feel wrong nor did it seem attractive; she just looked truly sexy, from a girly perspective, if you can get what I mean. I don't even think I do...

When I came up with this plan, I expected Hades to be alone and wasn't at all expecting Demeter to be present. Now I wasn't exactly scared of her; if things got too dangerous, I could just pop into my domain, so I wasn't worried about her. But that doesn't mean the situation wasn't awkward.

"ABORT!!! ABORT!!!" I yelled, wanting to do nothing more than get Persephone out of the room. How was I going to explain to Demeter why I had made her wear such stuff? And the chains were definitely going to send the wrong message!

"Halt!" Demeter's voice filled the room, forcing the two of us to come to a stop. I slowly turned around with a sheepish smile on my face.

"Well, this is awkward." I say, not at all enjoying the situation.

Hades (raising his eyebrow): I'm kinda busy, Yǔ... So..

"Of coursewe'll just leave then... Sorry to disturb!" I may have come off as too relieved, as I jumped to get Persephone out but was stopped again by Demeter. "I said 'HALT'!"

Demeter (glaring): I'd really like to see this gift you got for my brother...

I moved in front of Persephone, as though to block them from her, "I'd rather not... This doesn't seem like the right time...", I smiled cautiously, a sweat trickling down my forehead...

Demeter (glaring): I said, Show me that slut's face!

Hades (annoyed): Sister, no matter what, this is my territory; mind yourself...

Demeter (turning to Hades): You seem to be living the life, don't you, brother? My daughter's disappeared for three months and here you are, parting with sluts!

Hades (eyes twitching in anger): I told you! I didn't kidnap Persephone—not that it would be kidnapping seeing as she is my wife, and I didn't know she was missing! Not until you and your wretched weeds barged down here!

Me (uncomfortable): You two seem busy so why don't I and my friend just leave?


"I'd appreciate it if you'd stop calling her' slut', you swine!" I spat back. What??? She was ticking me off. Not the ideal response, I agree, but there's no taking that back now...

Both Hades and Demeter stared at me, completely taken aback, while Persephone's face just grew paler and paler in complete horror. Before I could react, Demeter summoned her scythe and charged at me. "DEMETER, NO!" Hades yelled while I prepared to defend myself but at the last second, she turned and raised her weapon at Persephone, tearing the cloak apart.

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