Chapter 17

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Bai Ze's POV

I don't trust her. I don't trust her one bit...

First, she got into Master's head and made him trust her, even after everything he's been through. And I couldn't get any information on her, no matter how hard I searched. Other than the whereabouts of the crown, her information is the only one that I have not obtained. From that itself, I don't trust her...

Well, at least Master will see her true face when she's not able to carry out her promise. There is no way that she can change a person's appearance; nobody can. Just as I was thinking that, the door behind me opened and I turned around to see two strangers come out. The man, who looked almost as handsome as Master, walked out first and held out a hand to the gorgeous woman. Both looked majestic and graceful, like a perfect couple.

I knew deep down who they were; there were only two people in that cabin, after all. She did it... She changed his appearance into someone entirely different but my head couldn't accept it. How??? How could she do that? Except for his eyes, he looked completely different. And how the hell did she go from a little girl to a drop-dead beautiful woman?

Me (not willing to accept it): Who are you? How??

(smirking): Somebody sounds disappointed...

Me (annoyed (yup, it's her)): How could you even do it? You even increased your height!

Yǔ: How I did it is a trade secret. As for the height (lifting the dress so that they could see the boots), these specially made shoes with an elevated platform... Impressed???

Me (spitefully (grasping at straws)): His eyes are still the same! What if someone recognizes him from that?

Yǔ stared at Master for a while, then looked excited as though she just got an idea, and stuffed her hand into her bag and pulled out a weird-looking container... She opened it, took out a thin, sky-blue-colored, circular object, and carefully held it at the tip of her right index finger. She motioned for Master to squat down, asked him to hold the container, all of which he did without even the slightest hesitation, and used her left hand to hold Master's eyes wide open. She then carefully brought that thing to his eyes and placed it on his eye. Master flinched back suddenly and closed his eyes for a minute. I rushed towards him, afraid that she had done something harmful, only to gasp as he opened his eyes and blinked a bit. They were a different color! He looked at me confused as she did the same to his other eye, earning the same reaction.

Me (shocked): How???

(confused): What???

(pulling out a mirror): See for yourself. Aren't I amazing?

(surprised): Is it just me or are my eyes actually blue?

(smirking): It's not harmful to the eye, although you will have to remove it or change it every forty-two hours.

Me (giving up): Who even are you?

(suddenly turning to master): That reminds me... We need a different name! I mean, I can't call you Lì, right?

Lì: You're right... But now that I think about it, I don't even know your name.

Me (those words snapping me out of my thoughts): What??? You didn't even know her name!

Yǔ: You're right, I never did tell you... (Hesitantly) Would it be okay if I don't give you my name???

Me (suspiciously): Why would...

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