Chapter 9

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Yǔ's POV

Dream (Li Yǔ's memories)

Where is this??? I find myself staring at the very girl whose body I possess as she adorns herself in front of a mirror, humming happily. For some reason, I knew what date it was, three days after her mother's death (so why is she so chirpy?)—and she was getting ready to meet her fiancé.

I figured this was one of her memories. Why I'm seeing it, I don't know, but if past dreams have proven anything, it's that there is a reason. She couldn't see or hear me, and although I could move freely, I couldn't get too far from her, meaning I'd have to follow her around.

She spent half an hour in front of the mirror and then got up and ran out the door, ignoring Quan's pleas not to leave, and I followed after... She rushed to the garden where they had agreed to meet only to see no one but a servant (who I, for some reason, knew belonged to the second sister), who led her to a small worker's hut within the residence, claiming that the prince wanted to spend some alone time with nobody interfering. The real Yǔ looked excited, blushed, and followed her without suspicion.

The maid waited for Yǔ to enter the hut before closing the doors behind her and locking it from the outside. Yǔ looked surprised and banged at the door, asking for it to be opened, only to be dragged from behind and pushed onto a bed (the only thing in the hut). She looked up at her captor to see a hideous, fat old man.

He pinned her down and smirked, licking his lips lustfully. "Don't worry, sweetheart; she only did that to give us some privacy.", he said as he ran his sweaty hand over the clothes covering her legs. I clenched my fist, realizing what was happening.

"Who are you?! Where's the prince?! Let go of me!", yelled out Yǔ, terrified, struggling to free herself without success.

The man applied more pressure to her hands, causing a mark to form. Using one hand, he ripped her clothes, save her undergarments, and started to kiss and lick her on the neck as she screamed and struggled. Tears were dripping down her face as she kept begging and threatening for him to free her. "I'm the seventh prince's fiance, and he'll kill you if you continue... Let me go!", "Please... Please... I beg you, let me go."

Her voice soon reduced to whimpers and soft pleas and tears were spilling down her cheeks. The man spent a lot of time on her neck (not so sure why), leaving love bites all over before taking his sweet time and slowly moving down. Now and then she'd thrash around and try to free herself with no success. At one point, she managed to bite his hand, causing him to release his grasp on her and yell out in pain. She jumped off the bed and ran for the door, forgetting it was locked, only to be sharply dragged back by her hair and thrown to the bed. When he released his hand from her hair, some of the ripped-off hair remained in his hand. She started screaming and was given a sharp slap that almost made her bite her tongue.

Looking at her terrified and disgusted face, I wanted to kill this man and the second sister, who was clearly a part of this ploy... How could they do such a thing to a fourteen-year-old girl? No matter what, aren't they related by blood? How could her sister attempt to get Yǔ raped? Seeing this just reminded me of Xander, which just made me angrier.

Luckily, the man wasn't able to go too far because the door was thrown open and a flock of people were standing outside. I instantly recognized two people standing in front of the crowd; the seventh prince and her sister.

Li Juan (pretending to be disappointed): See, brother Zheng, your fiancé is having an affair behind your back... As soon as my maid informed me, I just had to tell you!!!

Wang QinZheng (pretending to look hurt): How could you, Li Yǔ... Have I not treated you well enough? How could you go behind my back? And worse, your mother has just been dead for three days...

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