Chapter 58

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(Li Y's clothing style and hairstyle as above...)

Li Yǔ's POV

After two whole days of locking myself in my room, using the excuse of feeling sick, and thinking about Lì and his stupid kiss, completely ignoring my father's orders to open the door or come out (now he couldn't force his way in out of fear), I finally decided that I needed some advice so I went to the only female figure I knew at this time that could help.

Aunt Persephone...

Right, I was back in the underworld for the third time, only this time I rushed past Uncle Hades, grabbed Aunt Persephone, dragged her into her room, and closed the door behind us... with a slam... right into Uncle Hades' astonished face...

"So who's the boy?" she asked, settling down on the bed before I could even say anything.

I stared at her in absolute wonder until she broke into laughter and explained, "You completely ignored my lord, made a beeline for me, and slammed the door in his face, which means it's something you can't talk with him about. And given your closeness with him, I'm pretty sure that there are only a few things that you'd not want him around for and boy trouble is one of them. And your flushed face speaks for itself."

"Really?", I asked, impressed

"No!" she snorted and giggled harder. "I just took a wild guess since apparently, girls gossip a lot about love life with each other."

I raised my eyebrow in suspicion. "Why do you know that?"

Persephone (sheepishly): I got bored so I begged my mother to get me some mortal books to while away the time... And for some reason, even though she picked them at random, almost all the books had girls talking to their friends about love lives and marriages. So I just made a random guess. (Her eyes shone in excitement.) Is it the green-haired guy who paid for me?

(A/N: The main reason for this at that time was because more focus for girls was given to marrying off the daughters at a young age, so even among friends, they'd mainly talk about all the prospective candidates, crushes, and such.)

I turned red at the mention of him, confirming her suspicion, before flinging myself face-first onto the bed and letting out a loud groan. "I kissed him," I said in a muffled, sorrowful tone.

"You did?" she gasped dramatically, her voice laced with excitement and anticipation. "Girls rarely make the first move."

"It's not like I wanted to! I did it without thinking!" I exclaimed in embarrassment.

"Did you like it???", she asked trying to probe...

Me (shooting up and staring at her with a troubled face): That's the problem! I'm not supposed to like it! So why did I like it?

Persephone (confused): Why can't you like it?

Me (uncomfortably): Because... umm... I never really... you know, swung that way...

"You never what?" she asked in confusion before a look of realization crossed her face. "Oh... So when did you realize that you do swing that way???"

Me (plopping down on the bed): I don't think I swing that way... I mean, sure, ever since coming here, I never thought of any girl as particularly pretty. And I've never kissed a guy, let alone liked it, until now...

Persephone (trying to understand): Ok... Small test: do you find me attractive?

Me (without a gap (snorting)): No...

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