Chapter 10

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Li Yǔ's POV

I take a deep breath to suppress my anger and hatred. I abhor each of them and wish to kill them, but that would only be letting them off easy and it was still too early to reveal my strength. But at the same time, there was no way that I was going to let them off for hurting Quan, who had tears in her eyes and a slap mark on her cheek.

Me (glaring): What are all you wild dogs doing barking in front of my residence so early in the morning?

Father (taken aback): How dare you talk to your elders like that??!!

Quan (happily): Young miss!!!

I turn Quan's face to the side to get a clear view of the slap mark. "Who did this to you?", I growl in a low voice.

Li Juan (smirking): I did... Your maid was disrespectful to me so I punished her in your place. You should be thankful...

"I see...", I smile sweetly and walk up to Li Juan's servant, who had been softly giggling, the one who I had seen in the dream, and give her one hard slap right across the face, sending her falling to the floor. The sound was so loud that everyone present visibly jumped. Father, Li Juan, and the seventh prince had a shocked expression on their faces while tears were spilling from the maid's eyes...

I grimaced at the burning sensation in the palm of my hand, which quickly faded. While Li Yǔ was inherently weaker in nature, all the abuse she was forced to suffer made her have a much higher pain tolerance. It didn't mean that she didn't feel pain anymore; she just buried it deep within and stopped showing it outward. The knowledge just caused my anger to spike.

Li Juan (growling): HOW DARE YOU SLAP MY MAID???

I tilted my head innocently and spoke in a sickly sweet tone, "Ohh? But your maid was being disrespectful... She clearly saw me standing in front of her and yet did not acknowledge or bow down to me but instead stood laughing at me... If I don't teach this disrespectful slave, then it would be my dear sister who would be criticized... You should be thankful, sister..."

Li Juan (taking out the whip that was hanging off her waist): You dare??!!! It would seem that you have forgotten your punishment from last time...

Me: Now, now sister... You wouldn't want to show your beloved fiancé such an ugly side of you, would you now???

Wang QinZheng (placing his hand on Li Juan's wrist, restraining her): Li Yǔ...

Me (interrupting him (looking bored)): I don't recall us being close enough for you to address me in such a way... It is Miss Li Yǔ to you...

Wang QinZheng (controlling his anger): Miss Li Yǔ, as we have previously agreed, I would like to have our engagement annulled... I cannot be with someone who is disloyal...

Me: Neither can I... I cannot even tolerate having to breathe the same air as traitors and backstabbers, which is why I am pleading for all of you to leave and stop polluting my residence...

Wang QinZheng: Polluting??? What is that??? (A/N: During this time that word has not been introduced)

Li Juan (angrily): How dare you disrespect the prince!!!???

Me: I only respect those who deserve to be respected...

Minister Li (glaring): That is enough of your disobedience... Li Yǔ... We only came here to ask you to return the betrothal gifts.

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