Chapter 75

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Yǔ's POV

"Hmm???" I hummed softly, opening my eyes. It had been about four days since I had slept so my brains were working a tad slower than usual, which in my case may as well be not at all. Not to mention, the fact that I'd used my powers continuously had left me drained.

"Not at all... They're too busy fixing up my sister's residence.". Lì placed his spare hand beneath my arm that was holding all the rocks I had collected so far for myself, Lì, and Bai Ze. They were all infused with the respective qi, which I sensed pretty easily. "No. Those are for Lì and Bai Ze!" I cried out in a slurred voice, forgetting for a second that I was talking to Lì himself.

I had heard from Quan and Mǎn Xī about the gambling den that is set up once every three months, for a whole week, and decided to check it out since a little extra qi to upgrade Sele's level didn't seem like a bad purchase. Even without it, I had created darkness and water qi pills that helped level her up. Sele had skipped four levels in three days and had advanced to a rank 5 beast.

This time I had decided to get permission to leave without having to disguise myself and was given consent, which slightly surprised me since I was expecting some pushback but didn't bother questioning it.

Finding the place was fairly easy since you can't exactly miss a huge tent drop-dead in the middle of the marketplace, where over 80% of the crowd was gathered. Ever since I stepped foot into the tent, I had heard lots of murmurings about me, insults, mocks, sneers, and the sorts thrown at me, which I simply ignored and focused on collecting the ores that seemed to hold large amounts of qi belonging to myself, Lì and Bai Ze.

I had never expected to find Lì here and was about to go over to him when another wave of murmurs came my way, stopping me short. What if his reputation was damaged because of all the negative gossip about me??? While I was contemplating, I noticed Sele had disappeared, and on following her trail, I saw her nibbling at Lì's finger. It was so cute that I let out a soft chuckle; she must have sensed the darkness qi in him and thought she could get some from him.

"For us???" Bai Ze asked, coming over, followed by a smiling Bai Zou. Lì handed the rocks over to Bai Ze and held me up as I stumbled forward, hitting my forehead on his chest. "Hmm. Lots of wind and darkness qi." I mumbled out, trying to force my eyes to remain open.

"Why are you like this??? When did you last get some sleep??" Lì asked again, placing his hands on my chin and gently tilting my head up.

Me (muffling a yawn): Hmmm. Maybe ninety hours or so... I was making qi pills for Sele.

I can normally go days without sleep, something I trained myself for during the wars, and usually submerge myself underwater, ever so often, to revitalize myself but the effects are not permanent. While the water helps heal wounds and strengthen the body, once the powers themselves are drained, eventually all the fatigue returns all at once, like now.

(confused): Who's Sele???

Me (looking at him dazed): Sele, daddy... Daddy, Sele... well, her name is Selene, and I call her Sele...

I pointed between Lì and the floating Sele, introducing the two. I don't even know why I said that; I was too tired and my brain was going on overdrive at this point. Although technically Sele was supposed to belong to Lì and since she calls me mama, that would make my husband or fiancé, 'dada'.  "Okay..." Lì responded slowly, taking it all in. "And what are qi pills???"

"Mmmm..." I started, nodding slowly, "condensing and refining a large amount of a particular qi into the shape of a pill. Like what I gave you last time. I made 300 in five days (I held out five fingers and gave him a proud grin). Do you want for Shadow??? It can help him reach the divine stage." I summoned one of the pill bottles, containing 15 pills. I had made two hundred of the water qi and hundreds of the darkness...

"Why on earth would you make that many without rest???" he asked, taken aback.

"For fun..." I mumbled it out as though it were obvious. His look said that it was not and that I was crazy, which, at this point, I couldn't argue against. He suddenly picked me up in a princess hold, taking me by surprise. "Don't move!!!" I whined as he started walking out of the tent. "Where are you taking me? I demand you put me down. My fiancé won't stand for this!".

"To get some sleep..." he responded, climbing into a carriage stationed nearby that had nothing but a luxuriously soft carpet on the floor and a bunch of cushions near the walls. "Did you sit in here with your lady friend???" I asked with a pout, folding my legs to fit in the small space, which made him shake his head with a small smile. "No." He replied, "I rode in the front with Bai Zou. Now be a good girl and sleep." He placed a pillow under my head and sat down with his back against the wall, beside my head. I lifted my head and rested it over Lì's folded knees. "Pinky, promise to wake me up in an hour???" I asked, looking up at him, squinting up, needing a minute to understand why he was upside down to me, holding out my pinky

"I don't know what that means." He says, with a fond smile, pushing my hair aside, the action making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

I pouted again as my eyes slowly fluttered shut. "Mmmm. Remind me... to... teach... you."

Lì's POV

Since I was too worried about waking her up, I let her sleep with her head on my lap and stroked her hair away from her eyes. Seeing how she instantly fell asleep, I could tell how tired she was. Honestly, to stay up for four whole days straight just to make qi pills or whatever, and that too for fun. I couldn't help but smile down at her when I sensed a familiar weight on my shoulder. "Mael, you were here too???" I whispered with a smile as he nuzzled his nose against my neck. "And you must be Selene...", I started, reaching out to scratch the forehead of the floating bunny, who was staring at Yǔ in worry. "Don't worry. She's just sleeping. Ouch."

The bunny, having determined that her master was fine, bit my finger again. I remembered what Yǔ had said about the darkness qi pills she had made for Sele. "Don't tell me, you see me as food???" I questioned with an offended smile, carefully shooting a small amount of qi into its mouth, which she quickly swallowed, confirming my suspicion. She stared at me with the same expectant look she had given Yǔ before.

I summoned a small amount of qi over my index finger and just as she came to devour it, I playfully moved my finger away. She tried to get the qi for a while before giving up in a huff and settling down on Yǔ's stomach, with her back pointing at me, showing her disapproval and making me giggle. This bunny was as cute as she looked.

"Mmmm..." Yǔ murmured in her sleep, turning over to her side, almost making the bunny fall off, much to its surprise. I slid my hand under its tummy and gently picked it up as she was sliding over. "Whoa there..." I said softly as I placed her on the cushion beside me and scratched her forehead, while the little beast did not move to get away. It's strange how Yǔ 's beasts are comfortable around me; usually, beasts are very cautious against anyone who isn't their master...

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