Chapter 8

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Lì's POV

Would you consider it weird to regain unconsciousness and find yourself half naked, all your wounds tended to, and a beautiful girl fast asleep on your shoulders? What exactly happened after I lost consciousness?

I recall entering the forest to meet with my soldiers, who had returned separately to the secret base camp located deep within this forest (so well hidden that only we knew its location), when I was ambushed by the assassins and cornered. Then this girl comes plummeting from the sky, and I try to protect her. As I was trying to fight against the assassins, I heard a crack and turned around only to see the girl holding a whip (where did she even get that from?) which she then used to pull me to her side, only to send me crashing right into her (although she ended up breaking my fall). And that was the last thing I could remember.

I was so sure that I'd lost a lot of blood, so shouldn't I be dead right now? How did I end up near a stream? Did she beat up the remaining three assassins herself? I thought they were top-class assassins, so how did she beat them? Is she that strong? But she's not a cultivator, for sure. And is she the one who tended to my wounds? Doesn't that mean she stripped off my clothes? I recognized the black bandages she used as the torn-up cloak she wore.

I sighed; there were too many questions running through my mind, none of which I had the answers to. I didn't know what to do with her, especially when she was sleeping so peacefully. It was only now, as I looked at her properly, that I noticed how beautiful she looked. I tipped her head to the other side and used the tree to support her. I put my clothes back on, admiring how well she bandaged me (she must have done this a lot), as I looked around. Thankfully, I recognized where I was and knew the way to the base camp.

I picked her up princess style and started walking, deciding to take her with me since she helped me and all, and I couldn't, in good conscience, leave her in the middle of nowhere. I soon realized it was a bad idea. Even before I got there, my wounds reopened, and I started feeling weak. I used the trees as support and forced myself forward, and finally, after what seemed like hours, I could see the tall wooden post in the distance.

As I took another step forward, an arrow flew through the wind and landed right in front of my feet (a warning shot). I knew that the soldiers, who were not that injured, would be standing guard and could even sense their presence in the nearby trees.

Soldier (threatening voice): Whoever you are, leave! Or else the next arrow will go to your head.

Me (smirking): Which archer dares not recognize their own master?

At the sound of my voice and after hearing what I said, two of the soldiers jumped and landed right in front of me. They fell to their knees and brought their right fist to their left palm (in a hold-fist salute) as a sign of respect. "Master!", they saluted.

Soldier: This servant deserves punishment for his incompetence in not recognizing his master

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Soldier: This servant deserves punishment for his incompetence in not recognizing his master.

"Rise...", I ordered, handing the girl over to the soldier. "Where's Bai Ze? Send for him. And take this girl to a spare room and keep an eye on her. She is my guest, and you will treat her as such. Inform me as soon as she wakes."

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