Chapter 44

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Persephone's POV

"Come on... I said I'd gift you to my uncle, didn't I?? the blonde girl said with a friendly grin, holding out her hand for me.

I stared from her to the familiar river Styx that indicated one of the entrances to the underworld. It took a full minute to understand what she had meant, and a wave of relief coursed through my body as I lifted my hands, which were trembling, and placed them in her outstretched palm. All the terror I had previously slowly faded away...

I don't know how any of it happened. I had been spending a few days above ground, running and dancing around, enjoying the feeling of the grass under my feet, and the next thing I knew, I woke up behind bars, wearing chains that trapped my powers and were being auctioned off.

"Sorry... I'm much closer to Uncle Hades than your mother, so I thought it was better to bring you here." She said, clearly worried for me. Here was a fourteen-year-old trying to comfort me. "No. Thank you, thank you so much!" I exclaimed, engulfing her in a hug as she patted my back awkwardly.

Girl (smiling): Come on. Let's get you to your hubby and out of those hideous chains...

Me (laughing as tears rolled off my cheeks): Thank you...

She took my hand and led me down a path leading to the underworld palace. It was then that I realized something. She was a human... How did a human know the underworld? She was calmly strolling down the right path, as though she knew where she was going. From the way she kept calling him 'uncle', she is not his lover, I hope...

Me (curiously): Are you mortal? How do you know my husband?

Girl (struggling with the words): It's complicated... Although I'm not his lover if that's what you're worried about (disgusted by that idea), I'm Yǔ, by the way, Li Yǔ...

Me (sighing apologetically): Sorry... It's not easy being married to a god for so long; they're bound to get bored after a while (sadly) and lose interest.

(defending): Weeell... Although it's not my place, you yourself had a fling (making me flinch), so you're honestly in no position to judge... Although granted, he's done it more than you have, but at least he's not like thunder pants up there who will jump into any woman's arms...

It took a full second to realize who she meant by 'Thunder Pants' before I burst into laughter. I liked her; she was honest, gutsy, kind, and definitely not afraid to say whatever she had in mind. "You sure have no fears, do you?" I asked with a grin.

(grinning back): I guess I don't...

Me (impressed): Aren't you worried that you'll be harmed?

(shrugging): Not really... Given my current strength, I'm confident that I can hold my own against them, and if not, I'll just set Uncle Hades on them. He'd love for a reason like that...

Me (laughing): He wouldn't... (face going soft) Although he's lonely here away from all the drama and excitement, he's completely satisfied minding his own business and ensuring that the underworld is functioning properly...

(smiling): You really like him, don't you?

I blushed, "I do," but slowly I started to feel sad. "But I think he's losing interest in me. We've been married for so long, I don't see how he'd still love me." His affairs were proof of that—the fact that he was losing interest; otherwise, how would he fall for other women? Every time I leave for the summer, I'm always terrified that by the time I come back, he'll realize that he's over me and won't need me anymore and that I've been replaced. Every time, I am terrified that he'll bring some mistress back and I will be wedged out. I suddenly felt like running away; the closer we got to the castle, the heavier my steps felt. I hated this feeling.

(after a few seconds of silence, stopping altogether, causing me to bump into her): If you want, I may have a way to see if he still finds you attractive.

Me (cautiously): You do???

She stared at me as a slow smirk spread across her face. I'm starting to feel very unsure and worried about whatever she's planning. She stretched out her hand and a mist surrounded my body, from head to toe, and once it disappeared, what I saw made me turn gold with embarrassment.

"Kyaa!" I screamed.

I didn't know what I had to cover

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I didn't know what I had to cover. I was wearing a dark purple one-piece, which showed off my curves, with revealing stockings adorning my legs and a band that resembled a bunny's ears, and on my bottom, there was a fluff of purple cotton, reminding me of a bunny's tail...

(impressed): Wow... Either I'm good or you're really good, cause you look hella sexy right now... Those cuffs really suit the ensemble.

I could feel the ichor rushing to my cheeks, overcome with embarrassment. "I... I can't stand in My Lord's presence looking like this!" I exclaimed in a shrill voice. I didn't even know my voice could go this high. Yǔ's smirk grew as she twirled her hands and willed the shadows to surround me, forming a cloak.

"Now then... It's about time; Uncle Hades got his present!" Yǔ spoke with a smirk that only grew. "You wanted to find out whether you could still affect him... What better way than this? If he doesn't get affected after seeing you look like this, I'll personally help you beat him up!"

I summoned up all my courage, which wasn't much, and followed the confident strides of Yǔ as she marched up the halls toward the throne room. The closer I got, the more nervous and embarrassed I became. On reaching the door, I could hear shouting on the other side and was going to tell Yǔ to just forget it but she just threw the door open and stormed right in without a care in the world. "Oh, Uncle Hades! I have a surprise for you!" she said in a sing-song tone, giving me no choice but to follow.

I slowly entered the room and noticed who My Lord was fighting with, and my heart jumped out of my chest. My embarrassment turned to pure horror and I gulped. I looked to Yǔ for help but she too seemed completely taken aback.

"ABORT!! ABORT!!" she exclaimed with a horrified look on her face before running to me and trying to push me out but I was already noticed.

"Halt!" the visitor ordered in a serious voice, which made my ichor run completely dry and made us both stop cold.


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