Chapter 5

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It took five hours to check and freeze the poison in my system. By the time I was done, the sun had already started to set. I had decided that I'd go and visit the underworld and Hephaestus' workshop (no time like the present) since I wasn't too tired and really needed those memories...

I opened the door to tell Quan that I was going to sleep and that she could leave. After watching her go to her room, I went back in and searched through my clothes, not finding anything suitable for my escape, I decided to just use the ring and conjure up the clothes... I decided on a black shirt and pants (modern day) which were easy to move in. The good thing about using the ring was that I could directly conjure the clothes on my body (preventing me from having to actually change and see anything which I still wasn't prepared for. Even during the bath today, I had my eyes firmly shut and would just control the water...). I also conjured up a black cloak so that my face was covered by the hood. And lastly I conjured up a rubber band to tie my long hair in a high pony (which I did a lot on Annabeth's hair, which was curly unlike my current straight long one). Looking at myself in the mirror, I decided to use the mist to make people see me as a boy (who in this time let the hairs grow long) so no one could connect me with Yǔ.

I decided to shadow travel myself to the underworld which I regretted after reaching there since I had to do it about fifteen times before successfully arriving near the banks of Styx. I had to rest for a while before I started walking and used the shadows to hide me and my presence (which wasn't as draining as shadow-travelling). After getting some of my energy back, I start heading for the gates to the underworld. Along the way I hear the familiar screech of the furies... I sigh under my breath, "Alecto, Oh joy..."

Finally the three hags came into view and prepared to attack me lashing their whips around the look scary, which they really weren't (I mean, I've beat them more than once...) but unfortunately I didn't have any help nor weapons to use which left me at a disadvantage. As I was trying to come up with a plan to escape from them, I heard a loud howl and the ground below started rumbling, which meant only two things, Mrs O'Leary or Cerberus. It was the latter; the three-headed dog ran towards us and jumped, about a few miles away, landing right over me (not crushing me... I was just standing under it...) and growled at the furies...

Apparently, it wasn't only furies that were shocked, so was I. Why is he trying to protect me??? I'm not close to the dog, not in the future and especially in this time... He snapped at Alecto and bashed his middle head onto Tisiphone, sending her flying, and pounced on Megaera pinning her to the ground and growled at her, sending saliva flying all over her disgusting face. What in Hades' name is going on???!!!

I cleared my throat, hoping my voice came out more deep and masculine, "I have come seeking an audience with Hades."

 Alecto growled angrily, and slashed her whip to the ground, although I wasn't sure if it was directed at me or the big dog above me. Would a beast with a single body but three heads be considered as a 'dog' singular or 'dogs' plural? I know it's a weird thing to be thinking at a time like this, but seriously... which is it??

"Do you think our lord has the time or patience to see a puny mortal??? Who are you to wish to see our lord!!!! How dare you call him by his name!!!", she demanded, trying to sound fierce and threatening although I'm pretty sure she's scaring no one. Why did they have to make this so difficult? 

"Why don't you just go and tell Hades that I want to see him... Oh, and just to be safe, mention how Cerberus protected me from you all...", I suggested using a sickly sweet voice.

Megaera (snorting while struggling to free herself): We don't take orders from mere mortals...

I shrugged, unconcerned at all, "Well, I could always let Cerberus dine on you three and be on my merry way... In case you haven't noticed, you only have two options, either take me to Hades or stay here and get killed by Cerberus while I find my way to the throne room. Either way, I end up seeing Hades..."

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