Chapter 35

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Li Yǔ's POV


The knight commander nodded his head in surrender and I cautiously removed my sword from his neck, not letting my guard down in case he made a move. But he didn't; he had lost and honorably accepted that. He stepped aside, giving me way to the throne. I looked at the other knights cautiously but none of them made a move so I climbed the steps to the throne. It was about fifteen or so feet high, meant for a god or goddess, and seemed a bit daunting. I felt like an ant standing in front of it.

I used the waters to raise myself to the seat of the throne (the legs themselves were at least three times my height) and sat on it. As soon as I sat on it, I felt a rush of power coursing through my veins—the power of the sea; all the powers of this domain were rushing at me. Had it been anyone else, they would have been crushed under the pressure and their hearts would have exploded but not me, thanks to Poseidon.

I took a deep breath as I accepted all the power. I could feel the domain, its life, and all the living creatures in it, from the beasts to the naiads to the water creatures. Images of all the parts of the domains flooded my mind and I let it. I accepted everything that the domain and the throne were forcing on me.

An hour later, it started to feel too much, like my veins would burst from all the powers, when I started to feel a burning sensation in the middle of my forehead, and the pain and pressure subsided slowly along with the sensation.

A few hours later, the powers surged out of me in blue waves and rushed to every corner of the domain. Although I couldn't see it physically, I could tell that all the algae and moss covering the domains were gone, and everything looked fresh and brand new. The throne had accepted me and I was now the new owner of the domain.

The room was then engulfed in a bright light and as it slowly resided, I saw the throne room in its true glory. Before it had just been an endless black chasm or void with a dull, glowing emerald throne, but now it looked completely different.

Honestly, it was no longer a room. There was water everywhere—no walls or windows, just the door. From the door, there was a straight strip of man-made marble-stoned path that led directly to the throne. There were pillars on either edge, each holding a glowing pearl that lit up the room. The pillars had tiny fountains that released water into two rectangular pools on either interior side.

Connected in the middle of the two pools was a stone path leading from the door to the throne. The path was covered with a green carpet with shell decorations and had a thin layer of water over it. And finally, the throne was an exquisite marble throne that sat under bright stalactites and shone in a majestic and breathtaking white glow. And unlike the previous throne, which was in no way fit for me, this was reduced to my size.

(A/N: The picture of the throne room is as above. You can't really call it a room since the door opens to an underwater ocean. And the path leading from the door to the throne is smack-dab in the middle of the ocean.

Once I had gotten used to the way the room looked now, I noticed the knights and archers. They were all standing in rows, with the commander knight standing a few feet before them. As soon as I saw them, the knight commander fell on his knees in a bow, and slowly all the other knights followed. It took me a few minutes to realize what that meant, during which they just stayed in front of me, bowing.

Since the throne and the domain have recognized me as their master, all the knights and archers also view me as their master. In other words, I now have an army of over 3000 knights and archers (excluding the ones that were destroyed beyond repair by me).

I spent about a month in the space, making some changes to it. I didn't change the structure of the domain but took over two of the adjacent courtyards in the underwater palace. I recreated the first one in a room of my own, if or when I stay here. This room was a far cry from the willow residence.

As for the second courtyard, I merged my space (from the ring) with the room so that anything I put in it goes directly into it

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As for the second courtyard, I merged my space (from the ring) with the room so that anything I put in it goes directly into it. I compartmentalized everything: a place for weapons, a place for my bombs and gases, a place for my pills and medicines and raw materials, and a place for provisions (food, water, modern clothes, etc.).

Finally, I recreated and upgraded all the 3000 knights with stronger material (a combination of all my metals) and placed a shadow mark on each of them. A shadow mark, something I created (with help from Future Hades (or is it present Hades?)), basically gave the existing object, person, or animal shadow-like abilities; the knights could now move discreetly, appear, and disappear into the shadows (like assassins, do the job and disappear without leaving anything behind). It helped me know where each of them was and would allow me to see what they were doing (although that would be a bit draining)...

The knights could also reside in other's shadows, which would be good for protection or even spying. Also, the shadow mark would ensure that they don't ever betray me. I'd never use it on a real person but since these were metal knights whom others could control, I thought, why not? It's better to be safe than sorry. Especially after experiencing betrayal by three-fourths of those I had trusted before...

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