Chapter 1

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(A/N: You all would have read a thousand of betrayal stories and by now would have known the drill so I won't be writing how he was betrayed (maybe some I'll write), the rest you can just imagine the worst betrayals that you have read from other books or just come up with some...)

Third Person's POV

At Olympus,

Today was the day of the execution of the greatest hero to have ever lived. The throne room was filled with gods (both major and minor), nature spirits, campers and Chiron. All of whom were watching eagerly, happy that this hero, who had sacrificed a lot for them, was about to die.

Except certain gods... Poseidon, for one, felt and looked horrible. He looked old, his once black hair turned white and jolly face, grim. After all, it was his favorite son getting killed. Apollo and Hermes looked sad, guilty and defeated, having to choose between a friend and the throne was not an easy decision. And choosing the throne over their friendship was even worse. Only three gods had voted against the execution, who were Hestia, Hades and Hephaestus (when threatened, these three countered by also threatening the gods. Hestia exclaimed that the hearth would go out and all hope would die; Hades warned that he'd raise the dead while Hephaestus threatened to destroy Olympus and make the life of his fellow gods miserable. All three also stated that they would no longer side with the Olympians if they were removed from the council). These three gods were disappointed for the hero and disgusted at their fellow gods.

And right in the middle of the throne room, facing the gods, stood the lone hero. His hair overgrown and unkempt, his face unusually pale due to lack of exposure to the sun, his body unnaturally thin, his once lively sea-green eyes had been reduced to a dull green, his face bowed as he stared blankly at the floor tiles. His expression showed how much the betrayal of his fellow campers, trusted friends and beloved family had affected him. His usual sarcastic and rebellious self was nowhere to be seen. His hands and legs were chained, as though he was a dangerous criminal. Even now he, Perseus Jackson, could not believe how a single son of Poseidon could have ruined his life and made his friends, girlfriend and father turn against him nor could he believe that his own mother who had been with him since birth no longer wanted him if it meant danger to her new born child.

Zeus (his voice booming): Perseus Jackson, former son of Poseidon (A/N: Even though he was disowned by Poseidon, his powers were not taken away (Poseidon couldn't bear to do that no matter how mad he was...)), do you admit your crimes???

Poseidon visibly flinched at the 'former son of Poseidon' part and could not even look at Percy. While the said demigod kept staring at the tiles, not bothering to respond to the king of gods. He didn't care. What was his life when he had already lost his heart??? What was the point of living when the very people he loved hated him??? He no longer cared, nor did he have any lingering love for his former family and friends. Every single feeling of love and loyalty had shattered along with his heart. Although he didn't hate any of them, he no longer loved them either. Looking at his father, girlfriend and friends and also thinking of his mother, he didn't feel anything except the pain of betrayal (which didn't seem to go away and never might...).

Zeus: Do you admit to your crimes, Perseus???

Percy (snapped): Why bother asking??? I'm sure you dragged me here and chained me because you have some proof, so why bother with all these useless questions???

Athena (smirking): Yes, we have got proof. Annabeth and Xander found blueprints, on and under your bed, about the weak points of the camp and a number of letters to Kelli.

Percy (snorting): Of course I'd have blueprints. I was looking for weak points to strengthen them and as for the letters, you do know that I have a roommate named Xander who so happens to live in the same cabin and could have easily planted them...

Poseidon (weakly): Don't talk about your brother like that... He's not that kind of person to do something so heartless.

Percy (staring at Poseidon for a minute before shrugging): Oh, so are you implying that I am??? And since you disowned me, he's no longer my brother... Why not ask Apollo, he should know who is telling the truth...

Apollo (gulping under Zeus' fierce gaze (looking sadly at Percy)): Umm... I... Percy is ly.... He is telling the truth...

Zeus (glaring): LIES!!!

Hermes (trying to stand up for me): Apollo is the god of truth, father, he should know who is telling the truth or not!!!

Zeus (shouting): Silence!!! Don't forget Apollo and Hermes, you made your choice...

Both Apollo and Hermes clenched their fists tightly, making it bleed gold ichor. Percy shifted his gaze from Poseidon to them and back. He was slightly happy that they had tried to help but the disappointment of them choosing their throne over his friendship was far greater.

Percy: If you are going to kill me, could you please hurry up and get it over with???

Zeus (smirking): With pleasure... I, Zeus, king of gods, find Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon, guilty of aiding the enemy and will be sentenced to execution. Any last words???

Percy (staring at Poseidon): You once told me that I was your favorite son, I was very happy then, but now I see that the position was never permanent... Did you even mean it when you told me that??? Or were you afraid that I'd switch sides???

Poseidon (standing up quickly (tears dripping down his face)): NO!!! That not true!!! You were... You are my favorite!!!

Percy (smiling sadly): I just don't know if I can ever believe that...

Percy hung his head after giving one last glance to Poseidon. He knew he was going to die and nobody could help him. Poseidon wouldn't protect him, Apollo and Hermes wanted to help but didn't want to give up their thrones, and those who had tried to help (by voting for him to live) were over-ruled. He had come to terms with it and no longer cared. And gods like Hecate did not have the power to do anything...

He knew that, if by any chance he survived, he would no longer aid the gods, no longer run when told to, no longer offer any help of any sory. He gave them his loyalty but they threw it away and now they would never get it back. He was done. If they needed help, depending on the god and maybe the favor, he might help but he would never be willing to sacrifice his life for them.

Zeus, with a grin on his face, summoned his lightning bolt and threw it at Percy. It hit him and killed him instantly but, too slowly for the said hero, who could feel the pain of being electrocuted alive for a long time. Where he stood, a black spot only remained. Poseidon, Apollo and Hermes had tears in their eyes while Hestia, Hades and Hephaestus, in disgust, returned to their domains to mourn for the death of the pure demigod who had been treated so unjustly.

Somewhere, many hundred years in the past, a fifth daughter of a prominent household had died, three days prior to Percy's trial (in the future), by being pushed into a lake. Although saved and returned to her room, she had succumbed into a deep coma for three days. A few seconds after Percy was struck by lightning, the eyes of the girl, whose soul had already found its way to the underworld, opened and the pair of sea-green eyes took in the unfamiliar surroundings.

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