Chapter 65

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I have previously shared what she looks like based on the mangas I read. In case you want a real version, if readers prefer this, Basically, as I said, her hair is jet-black, straight, and long, reaching down her back; she has sea-green eyes, long eyelashes, and such.

Lì's POV

When I first heard of the pill, I wanted to buy it and, if possible, more for my soldiers but when QinZheng made the bid, something snapped in my head. I remembered how he humiliated Yǔ in front of all those people and the thought ticked me off so I decided to return the favor.

Just as I was about to make a bid, someone beat me to it. I glanced at her and found myself unable to look away. Those sea-green eyes made my heart clench and quicken; they were the same: Yǔ's eyes—the eyes that caught my attention when I first saw her, the eyes that have stuck with me since then.

But she didn't seem like my Yǔ, except for the eyes. For one, this woman seemed at least 20 (Percy went with his real age here, which is 23) years of age or older, and unlike Yǔ, who tried to hide her powers, she confidently flaunted them from the way she was sitting to the laid-back demeanor to the overconfident smirk hidden beneath her veil that was reflected in her eyes. It was as though she felt that everyone else was beneath her.

"3000 silver taels for each!" QinZheng's angry voice brought me back. Why was I so focused on someone other than Yǔ? I forced that thought out of my head and focused on getting revenge for Yǔ and after outbidding him several times until I felt the price was high enough, I gave up with a smirk, pissing him off even more.

Now that playtime is over, better get serious. I had Bai Ze summon the manager, whom I knew, and asked if I could have a meeting with the alchemist who made the medicine, and a few minutes later I was led to a private room along with Bai Ze and Bai Zou. I was taken aback to see the very same person who had caught my attention before sitting in front of me.

"Preposterous!!! Need I remind you that it was you folks who requested a meeting?" Her powers were strong because I could feel the suppression on Bai Ze from where I stood. This person was truly daring and confident enough to attack a prince's retainer in front of him in his own country. I had to be careful when dealing with her.

"I apologize... Bai Ze and Bai Zou will wait outside...", I said cautiously with a small bow which seemed to surprise her. I guess she didn't expect a prince to bow to her...

"Master!!!", Bai Ze started in denial but I shut him up with a glare making the two bow and leave, closing the door behind them not before Bai Ze gave the woman a murderous glare which only seemed to amuse her...

"I didn't expect the alchemist to be a woman...", I started awkwardly trying to ease the tension...

"Are you disappointed?" she asked softly with a smile as she lifted her right hand and removed the veil hiding her face from the left before gently placing it on the table in front of her. She looked breathtaking. Her jet-black hair cascading down her back and the sea-green eyes that reflected the gentle smile that I could now see on her soft pink-colored lips did things to my heart.

Ba-thump... Ba-thump...

Be still, my heart... It's not like me to care for a woman just because of her looks. The first woman who affected me was Yǔ and the fact that this person also made me feel like that made me uncomfortable.

"Not really... Umm... What may I call you, Ms.?" trying to keep a straight voice...

"Hmm... PJ..." she started before her brows furrowed together in thought (why do I find that cute?). "Or Persea is fine..." she said with a soft smile, as though the second name had some sort of hidden meaning to it.

She slowly stood up, dodging the table in front of her, and walked towards me. "So what does this third prince want with me?" she asked in a soft voice as she stopped right in front of me.

"I would like to buy some pills from you... I can pay as much as you." I froze as she reached out her hands and slowly ran her fingers along my cheeks.

"But as you just saw, I do not need money... What else can you offer?" she asked in a playful, teasing voice.

"I could grant you a favor as a prince... Or if there is some treasure you desire?" I tried to push down my discomfort.

"How about giving up yourself instead, for a single night?"

That took me by surprise. This woman... she wanted to spend the night with a stranger? Even though I felt disgusted in my head, my heart sped once again for some reason. "I'm afraid I can't... I have a very jealous fiancée." I frown, trying to separate from her.

"Hoo... The girl with you today?" she asked, with a hint of something in her voice.

"No, she's..." I started but stopped because she once again closed the gap between us.

"Then does it matter if there's a third?" she said in a flirty voice. I tried to push her away. I had no need for any pill if it meant betraying Yǔ. She smirked in amusement at my attempt and snapped her finger. I stared at her in horror; I couldn't move. She... How could she suppress my movement? She slowly brought her lips closer to mine while I could do nothing but stare, horrified. She stared at me for a second, something reflecting in her eyes, before drawing closer. I flinched as she gently swept her tongue past my bottom lip, making me clench my fists. How??? How can I get out of this?

She placed her thumb on my chin and forced my lips to part before giving me a sweet smile that made my blood rush, and then touching her lips to mine. She dipped her tongue past my lips, deepening the kiss. She slightly opened her eyes, and stared up at me in confusion, before closing it again and wrapping her hands around my neck.

My eyes rose in horror as a slight salty taste infiltrated my mouth.  Wait... This feeling...

I could feel her suppression ceasing as she started to concentrate on the kiss. I could feel myself being able to move but instead of pushing her away, I did the opposite. I placed my right hand on her left cheek and wrapped my left hand around her waist, pulling her closer to me. I kissed her back, tickling and caressing her tongue with mine. "Mmph..." she let out a soft moan, captured in my mouth.

I slowly separated my lips from hers, a minute or two later, even though I didn't want to, but anymore, and who knows what I'll end up doing. She stared at me in shock as her cheeks turned an adorable red, breathing heavily like me, and she dipped her head down, hiding her face. I placed my thumb beneath her chin, forced her face up, and stared into those unique sea-green eyes. "Just what exactly are you playing at? Li !!!" I asked, feigning annoyance...

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