Side Story 2

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just to ensure there is no confusion. What is happening in the Li Yǔ timeline is the past and what is happening in the Percy timeline is the present, not the future.

Also, I'm not sure what constitutes as mature in Wattpad, but this is the most mature chapter I have written so far, so please be warned, although I haven't described anything in detail.)


Annabeth's POV

Present: 3 months after Percy's execution

Tears slowly slide down my cheeks and onto the photo... his photo... our photo. There I was, sitting at his favorite place—our favorite place—the beach, the place I tarnished forever by having a dalliance with his own brother, holding a picture of our most sacred memory, also ruined because of my fling.

It was an anniversary present—the photo he had gotten for me. Had it been a simple photo it wouldn't have meant all that much but what made it special was what he did to get it and how far he went for it.

He went to the Titaness of Memory, Mnemosyne, and did her a series of quests (many dangerous) so that she would draw out that memory and make it into a photo which was not exactly a painless process since she literally drew out the memory from Percy's brain (I'm pretty sure there were easier ways to do it but she, like every immortal, just loves making things difficult for us demigods) but my seaweed brain never complained...

It was beautiful and realistic; his arms were wrapped tightly around me and mine thrown around his neck. We were kissing like there was no tomorrow, not caring about who was watching. It was a perfect proof of our love. From the clarity of the photo, I could tell how precious this memory was to him (the clearer the memory, the clearer the image). I remembered that day like it was just yesterday. It had been our second kiss, our first underwater kiss. We were so in love then... When did it all change??? Where did it all go wrong???

I ran my trembling fingers slowly over his face and hair, remembering all the times I had entwined my hands in his disheveled jet-black hair, all the times I touched his face, all the hugs, all the kisses, his mesmerizing sea-green eyes, that sarcastic smile, that idiotic humor, his laid-back personality... I remember our first meeting, all our quests together, all the battles we fought side-by-side. It had always been the two of us against the world... Why wasn't he by my side now??? He belongs by my side so why??? My seaweed-brain...

I crumble forward and clutch the picture tightly, bringing it to my lips... It had felt like someone had left me bleeding slowly when Hera took him from me but this time... This time I just feel dead, I've never smiled... not once. I can't remember the last time I touched any make-up, or took a proper bath (the water just reminded me of Percy), I walked around wearing baggy clothes and my eyes were always red and puffy and looked as good as dead, nothing could ever cheer me up... I never felt up to do anything, not even read, or learn something new; I can't even look at an architecture book because all I could ever think about is him.

It hurts more because I know, no matter how much I try to deny it... no matter how much I try to blame others I know...

"It's my fault... I let go of your hand. I betrayed you. I wrecked your heart and stomped all over it. I helped Xander accuse you; I let you get executed without doing anything... ", I whispered as my sobs grew stronger, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... Oh, Percy, I'm so sorry!!!"

I never understood how it happened... Xander was dangerous and exciting, with his stormy-gray eyes, and the scar that ran across his right eye, and the unruly pitch-black hair that reached his shoulders, sticking to his neck. He was like a dangerous yet lively storm while Percy resembled the calm blue sea. Percy was safe and comfortable but Xander knew just how to make my whole body tremble with anticipation. He made me feel alive. He filled me with lust.

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