Chapter 7

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A/N: Pic of male mc when he is in teens and 20ish +... The pic is from a manga whose setting is in Egypt which is why he is dressed as above, but in this story, where the setting is china, the character is never dressed like that. This is just to give an idea on how he looks.... 

I will be posting pics here and there from different mangas that I've read or movies watched, which matches the situations, to give you all an idea on stuffs like weapons, beasts and other characters... 

Yǔ's POV

I seemed to have forgotten what had happened the last time I shadow-travelled and was stupid enough to do it again, so imagine my surprise to find myself falling from the sky at an incredible speed. I didn't bother shadow-travelling again (I mean, with my luck, what if I fall into a volcano the next time and am too weak to do it again?). I've already been electrocuted once; why risk being barbecued too? I fell through a tall tree, biting back from screaming in pain as I hit each branch and fell to the ground with a 'thud', breaking one or two ribs and bones and twisting my legs...

I was so busy trying to fight back the pain that I didn't notice six men in black with their faces covered staring at me in shock. There was another guy, although I couldn't clearly see him since these five were kind of ganging up on him. It was then that I noticed that my hood had been torn off from my fall, and I had removed the mist when I was in the underworld, so these people had seen my face... So now the question is, do I kill them or not? Maybe I could just use the mist to make them forget their memories.

Man 1 (surprised): Who's the girl? What do we do?

Man 2 (cruelly): The boss said to kill anyone who comes in our path... Kill her...

Wait??? Assassins??? They want to kill me. Why??? I just fell from a tree, and it wasn't like I wanted to! I should kill these heartless, rotten jerks after all.

Man 3 (pointing a knife to my throat): Who are you? What are you doing here?

Me (using my powers to make my eyes tear up): I climbed the tree but couldn't get down. I fell asleep after hours of screaming. Please don't kill me.

Man 4 (not looking at me but at who I'm guessing is their target): Do we have to kill her? Our mission is to just kill him, right?

Man 3: She's seen us...

Man 4 (turning to look at me and snorting): It's not like she can see our faces...

Man 2: She dies... Blame her rotten luck for climbing that tree.

So they are going to kill me. Just when I was debating whether to kill them or not, was this what they call karma? At times like this, the sword I had requested would have been very useful. It's a good thing I had the whip, which I didn't plan on using until I had to. But first, I had to make sure that it was only the five of us.

Man 5 (turning to us, annoyed, taking his eyes off their original target and leaving him with a chance of escape): Just kill the girl already...

That was when things changed. Their target jumped, used the trees to change direction, and landed in front of me, pointing a sword at the assassins. It was then that I noticed how handsome he was; he had long greenish hair, brown eyes, and an extremely sexy body (I blame my female body; it's messing with my head!). He was holding a sword in one hand. It was only then that I noticed he was bleeding; he had a head injury and a cut running down his back (it was not too deep to be an immediate threat, but if left untreated and exposed, then it's a whole new story...), and his clothes were either cut up here and there, which seemed to painfully stick to the body due to all the blood.

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