Chapter 19

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Yǔ's POV

Now I wasn't exactly lying... Everything I said was the truth. Li Yǔ was in every way a pitiful and miserable girl and now she wasn't... I wasn't going to say anything about the gods or my past, or else I might end up in a mental institute (or whatever similar thing they will have here). But at the same time, I didn't want to lie to Lì more than I had to. So I plan to find an in-between.

Me: After deciding to change, I made a few discoveries... For one, I was born to wield a sword. Holding it and swinging it all came naturally for me (which was true). I did need to train a bit to know how to use it, but it wasn't really difficult. And I had a pretty good instructor (Luke)... I also found that I had a natch for medicine (thanks to Apollo's blessing), it was interesting which made it easier to learn...

Bai Ze (annoyed): Is there anything you are bad at???!!!

Me (ignoring him): Well, I did find out that I am somewhat claustrophobic. I get restless and annoyed when I am confined or trapped. I prefer open, free, and wild places. Oh yes, and while I excel in the sword, I pretty much stink at archery... Once I ended up shooting at my instructor (Chiron), and he was standing behind me... But I'm getting better at it... Most of the time, I stopped shooting at things that were in the opposite direction of where I aimed (proudly).

Apollo's blessing could either help me improve my archery or my medical knowledge and since I was pretty satisfied with using a sword, I naturally chose medical knowledge, which has proven to be very useful in many situations...

(chuckling (noticing my confused look)): I'm impressed at how you get so proud about stuff that otherwise embarrasses people...

Me (flushed with embarrassment): You were the one who asked about me!!!

(grinning): Sorry. You're right.

Bai Ze: So, what's your plan??

Me (tilting my head in confusion but avoiding eye contact with the beast; thankfully, this chat had partially taken my mind off it): Plan for what???

Bai Ze: You are going to take revenge, right? Or do you only want to get stronger to defend yourself?

Me (menacingly): I have many reasons... I want to be able to defend myself and my people. I also want to find out who dared to murder my mother. And obviously, I want revenge... I want to make them all fall on their feet and beg me... I want them to feel what they forced me to feel, and I want it to be a million times more painful... I want to ruin them and take everything they hold precious... I want to let them wish that they were dead... But more than anything, I just want to live in peace...

Bai Ze: Okay... A bit scared of you... But what's the plan?

Me (sighing): I have no idea...

: With the way you were going on and on, I figured you had a foolproof plan...

Me: Well, I've never done anything like this before... So I don't really know what the plan is... Just straight away killing them seems like letting them off too easy. I want to ruin them. Grab everything they want, and mess up all their plans, but at the same time, I want to give them a good beat-down.

: Well... You have your whole life ahead of you so unless you don't go and get yourself killed; you have more than enough time to figure them out...

Me (nodding): I guess you're right... Though I'm surprised you actually believe everything I said. Even I know that it all sounds fabricated...

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