Chapter 36

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Li Yǔ's POV

As the new owner of the domain, I can create a portal connecting the domain to any place of my liking. So now I can go anywhere I want without tiring myself (like I do when I vapor-travel or shadow-travel). I opened a portal to my Willow Residence and walked into my room. The minute Yángliǔ saw me, she ran to me and welcomed me with an embrace. "Miss! You're back!!!"

Yángliǔ, although more than a hundred years old, thinks of herself, looks, and acts like a ten-year-old, always skipping about and hugging everyone she sees. I couldn't help but smile at her childlike innocence.

"I'm back... Anything happen while I was gone?"

Yángliǔ (twirling away from me): Nope! I played with Quan and Mǎn Xī; I bullied the other four maids as you asked and just pretended to sleep through while the guards came in at night. Although I once used my vines to scare them (giggling) and trip them until they ran out completely freaked! It was fun... However, your father stopped sending them a few days ago.

Me (raising an eyebrow): He did??

Yángliǔ: Yup!!! (popping the 'p') And the maids have started talking back to me too, although they still do as I say.

My lips curl into a mischievous smirk. "Well, I guess he won't be sending them anymore, which also means he's indirectly saying that he'll turn a blind eye to anything that happens to me from this point on."

Yángliǔ (remembering): OH!! Also, Lord Hephaestus came!

"Cousin Hephaestus??"

Yángliǔ gasped, her eyes widening, as she glanced to the left and right frantically before whispering, "I don't think he would like being called that."

Me (smirking): That's why I enjoy calling him that... What did he need?

Yángliǔ (rummaging through my cupboard): He asked me to give you this...

She handed me a beautiful vintage box. The minute I saw it, I knew what it was. I took the box from her, a big smile forming on my face, and slowly opened it. In the box, there was a note and four beautiful hair sticks. I placed the box on my table and took out the note to read.

 I placed the box on my table and took out the note to read

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"Dear Yǔ/Percy,

Here is the hairpin you requested. The sea-green crystal gem and trident symbol on the blade are proof of Poseidon's blessing. Also, you need to place a drop of your blood for it to recognize you as its master. After that, just a thought is needed to turn it into a sword and back, and even if you drop or lose it, you can just summon it to your hand.

P.S. I got bored after making the sword so I also made the box. I hope it is to your liking. I also made a few extra hair sticks in case, but only the one can turn to the sword.

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