💛 𝗙𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗹𝗲 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗲 {𝗧𝗼𝗺𝗺𝘆 𝗟𝗲𝗲}

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So, this was a request by aerogurl18 so thank you so much dear, I appreciate it! Kinda short but I hope it's okay 😊




Being the wife of Tommy Lee was difficult. Being the little sister of Mick Mars on top of that was even more difficult, throw the fact in currently 5 months pregnant with Tommy and I's first child and yeah, life's great.

Tommy's the literal definition of overprotective and Mick... well... initially after wanting to beat the shit out of Tommy for impregnating me became much the same, very very overprotective.

It was kinda annoying if I'm honest, I love both of them dearly but sometimes I wish they'd just leave me the fuck alone.

Tommy was worse because I lived with him, he won't let me do anything, take right now for example, Tommy had been upstairs cleaning so I thought I'd attempt to do something independently, nothing too strenuous I wouldn't put myself through that- I was craving biscuits and that's what I was going to get but luck wasn't really on my side today because the second I had opened the cupboard and went to place my hand on the pack of biscuits when Tommy's voice call out to me "Y/N? What are you doing?" I sighed and withdrew my hand to fade my husband who looked unnecessarily concerned.

"I'm craving biscuits, so I'm getting biscuits" I reply simply but softly meeting his gaze.

The man shook his head stepping closer to me "No, let me do it..."

I turn and quirk a eyebrow at my husband "Excuse you?"

Tommy smiles sheepishly, something he does a lot now... he knows I hate this but he feels like he needs to step in when he doesn't, I do appreciate it though "Well... you know... your in a fragile state right now and I just thought-"

"I'm pregnant not had my legs broken" I interrupted while reaching up to the top shelf and grabbing the pack of biscuits anyway "See? Nothing strenuous, nothing that's gonna do any damage to the baby, I'm fine- stop worrying so much, I'm not made of glass Tom"

The drummer sighed listening to what I'd said "Sorry... I just don't want you to get hurt"

"From getting some biscuits from a cupboard? Cause that's really dangerous" I scoff lightly placing my hands on Tom's arms, placing a chaste kiss onto his cheek "There's nothing dangerous... I'm not gonna get hurt, I'm fine... we're fine" I mutter running my hand down his arm and taking his hand and placing it on my abdomen.

Tom smiles and rested my forehead against his "I know I probably look like a controlling asshole but I just worry... I couldn't bare to lose you or our baby, it probably annoys the hell out of you but I only do it because I love you"

"I get it... really I do, but there's no need... I can still look after myself, there's nothing wrong with you caring babe but take it down a couple of notches, hmm?"

"I'll try... I don't mean to do it y'know? Keep telling me when it gets stupid, cause I'll listen"

"It's okay, hun... I will... I love you so much Tommy"

"I love you too" he smiles pressing his lips against mine- Tommy was an amazing guy, really he was. Yeah, he went overboard sometimes, well, most of the time but he really was just a lover, he never thinks before he acts or speaks but he's got a heart of gold, I'm glad my brother met him and the other guys- if he hadn't I wouldn't have met the love of my life.

He'd do anything for me and I was well aware of it, I'd do anything for him too if it was needed. Tommy Lee really was the best man I've ever met.

"Wanna cuddle? With your biscuits of course" my husband grinned while wrapping an arm around me and pulling me into the living room not giving me a choice in the matter. Not that I'd reject him anyway, cuddles with Tommy were the best thing ever and that's not an over exaggeration.

"Is that even a question?" I laughed as Tom sat down and I got tugged into his side, the man then reached down the side of the couch to pick up the blanket we kept there incase of situations like this- the blanket went over us both as we both focused on the TV, we stayed in silence for 10 or so minutes but Tommy then spoke up.

"I've been thinking about something.."

"You thinking? Did you pass out?" I joked causing the drummer to let out a breathy laugh shaking his head playfully.

"Bitch" he mumbles smiling "No, I was thinking about names for the baby"

"Really? Let's hear them"

"Okay, so I thought really hard... like really hard... and I thought what about... you ready for this? Tommy Jr for a boy and Y/N Jr for a girl"

By the look in his eyes and the smile on his face I knew he was bullshitting me but still, I kinda took it half seriously because this is Tommy... "Fuck off, that's not funny... have you got a serious suggestion?" I giggled.

"Course I have, what do you take me for?" Tom told me rolling his eyes playfully.

"An idiot"

The man pouts briefly "Not fair... but hear me out, I was thinking Trinity Taylor for a girl or Alexander Michael for a boy- you don't have to like them I just thought they were nice"

They weren't bad by any means, especially Trinity Taylor, Trinity Taylor Lee... I quite like it... and Alexander Michael Lee, yeah... yeah, it works "I like them, they're pretty"


"Yeah, why not? Not like I can say I've come up with anything better, is it?"

Tommy shrugged "True, I'll come up with more- we can work on some together but I just thought I'd say what I've got so far- we've got 4 months, it's enough time"

"Knowing us, no, it really isn't" I scoffed adjusting my position so my ear was directly over Tommy's heartbeat, I listened to the steady thumping of this heart giving me a sense of peace.

"Okay, maybe it isn't... but I think we can do it, naming a kid can't be that hard"

"Says the man who's only come up with one for each" I pointed out poking my husband in the ribcage lightly.

"I tried hard, okay? Leave me alone it's two more than you've come up with"

"Okay, okay, sorry- I'll stop insulting your I intelligence now I swear"

"Thanks, I'll divorce you otherwise"

I lifted my head and made eye contact with the drummer "You wouldn't, you love me too much"

"Hmmm... yes as much as it pains me to admit it" he snarked teasingly while pulling me closer to him, I let out a deep breath of contentment.

"Fuck you, Tommy" This man really is everything to me and I know Tommy will be as good a father as he is a husband, I guarantee that.


𝗠𝗼̈𝘁𝗹𝗲𝘆 𝗖𝗿𝘂̈𝗲 𝗜𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀 🤍Where stories live. Discover now