💚👶🏻- 𝗟𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗢𝗳 𝗠𝘆 𝗟𝗶𝗳𝗲 {𝗠𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝘀}

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Y/S/N= Your Son's Name



Life was becoming rather hectic for Mick and I.


Well firstly, Mick had joined a new band about 5 months ago which they named Mötley Crüe and secondly we also had a 2 month old son.

So, schedules were tight at the moment with my boyfriend trying to balance the new band and a newborn baby, I told him to focus on the band because it's his dream.

Mick however feels if he focuses on the band he's abandoning us which isn't true, and I had to consistently convince him he was doing the right thing, like tonight- he'd come home from band practise with the boys instantly sat next to me on the sofa wrapping his arms around me I was confused to say the least even more so when he said "I'm sorry"

My eyebrows furrowed "For what?"

"Vince and Nikki wanted to get everything perfect and wouldn't let anyone leave until we did it exactly how it was meant to be... I'm late and I'm sorry I promised I would help you with Y/S/N but you had to do it alone... again" he muttered ashamed to which I placed a hand on the side of his face.

"Hey, I didn't even realise you were late so it couldn't have been long and Y/S/N has been down for the majority of the day anyways and he's still asleep now. Stop feeling guilty about enjoying yourself, Mick, this band is your future I know it"

"So are you and so is our son and I'm putting my career above my family- what does that make me?"

"A man who wants to provide the best life for his child... you're a good man, Mick. I'm completely fine with looking after Y/S/N... I know it's what's got to be done and I'm so proud of you" I said while pulling Micks head onto my chest running my hand through his black hair.

"I love you" he mutters sighing loudly.

"I love you too, Mick... fancy a coffee before we head up or not?"

"Yeah, sure" he said with a half smile, I nodded and got up heading for the kitchen- I boiled the kettle and quickly made the coffee taking it into Mick who was still on the sofa lost in his own thoughts.

It was then I actually noticed just how much this was bothering him, he genuinely thought he was letting us down and I was going to prove that although he was focusing on his career he wasn't abandoning anything and that the band wasn't going to affect how I or Y/S/N saw him.

The coffee is just made got placed on the table as I placed a hand onto Mick's shoulder "Come with me" His eyebrows furrowed but he stood up regardless and followed me where I led him through the apartment to Y/S/N's room, gently I pushed him inside closing the door behind us. We walked over to the side of Y/S/N's crib "Pick him up"

"Y/N I-"

I cut him off "Mick! Pick him up"

He sighed knowing I wasn't going to drop the subject, so he carefully reached down and picked up our sleeping child "What's the point of this Y/N?"

"I need you to know who much we love you, you need to get the idea out of your head that you're letting us down because you're not, he loves you Mick- you're still here, it's not like you leave for days without a word- you still come back every night, if you're with the boys later than expected you call to let me know... that's not abandoning us, that's caring about us"

Mick watched me with loving eyes as I listened to me speak, he smiles and looked down at Y/S/N before saying "I hope the band works out, I want to achieve something... something which Y/S/N can look at in the future and be proud of and be like 'That's my dad'- I wanna be something for both of you"

I smiled "You already are, you're my husband and you're his father. You don't have anything to prove to us... but I want the band to work out for you, they're good kids, wild and goofy and they don't quite share a brain cell between them but they're good kids"

Mick snorts "That's an understatement they're the dumbest trio of fuckers I've ever met. They're a good laugh though, and you seem to get on with them and they like you so... that's worth the loss of sanity this band is gonna bring me"

My arms wrap around Mick's waist "You're going to make it, Mick and I'm going to be so proud of you, I already am so proud of you"

He leans back slightly into me "Good to know"

Then, Y/S/N despite being unconscious snuggled himself into his fathers chest and made a small snore like sound causing us both to giggle lightly "See? He likes cuddles from his daddy, if you don't see how much he loves you then you're blind" I say playfully.

"I see it" he assures "Hey, I was wondering... when shall we introduce him to the boys? They've been begging me to ask you"

"Whenever you want, when do you thinks best?"

"I said to them to give it a while longer but I wanted you to have the final say because I'm not bothered. They're going to be here to stay so, they should meet him"

"True, well I could join you at band practice one of the days this week? Friday maybe?"

Mick nodded softly "I'll ask but I'm sure they'll agree to that"

"Who do you thinks gonna be the first to try and take him from us?" I laughed.

"Tommy, for sure- cause his brain works is the same way as Y/S/N's, he's excited by everything. But saying that I think Vince will be too and who knows about Nikki, he doesn't trust himself with a handling a dog let alone a baby, he's gonna need some encouragement"

"I can do that" I hummed, I knew about some of Nikki's issues as he'd told me some things a few weeks back. Nikki had gravitated towards me since Mick first introduced me to the band back in their second rehearsal as a new band, I think he saw me as a kind of mother figure which I felt privileged to be. "You better now?" I asked my husband hoping my words had actually sunk in.

"Yeah, I'm just overthinking everything at the moment... thank you for helping out though"

"It's nothing, I just hate to watch you doubt yourself... come on then, let's go to bed shall we?"

Mick nodded placing Y/S/N back into his crib before wrapping on of his arms around my shoulders while one of my arms remained around his waist, we got to our bedroom and slipped out of our clothes and under the bedsheets- I lay my head on Mick's chest as we both drifted off to sleep, our minds now content.


𝗠𝗼̈𝘁𝗹𝗲𝘆 𝗖𝗿𝘂̈𝗲 𝗜𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀 🤍Where stories live. Discover now