🧡 𝗔𝘅𝗹'𝘀 𝗨𝗻𝘄𝗲𝗹𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗔𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 {𝗩𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝗶𝗹}

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This was requested by justmaves, so thank you for the idea- this went on a little tangent but I tried to make it was interesting as I could.

This imagine does include Axl Rose and the rest of GNR, by this point Steven and Izzy were no longer in the band but for the sake of this let's say they were.

Also, I've made Axl kind of a douche, but he is anyway depending on who you ask, so don't come at me for my portrayal of Axl, this is only fiction.

With that down, enjoy :) 💗


Y/N's POV, September 1991

It's known that Vince has a rivalry with Axl Rose, and before you ask, no I don't know how it even started but they've never got on, ever- they both have egos and think they're the shit... the only difference is what you see with Vince is what you get... but Axl, it's mostly just an act, which is what Vince doesn't like.

Axl acts tough to look cool, Vince does it because that's just how he is, Vince wants to prove that to the world, that's Axl is all bark and no bite.

I got on with Axl well enough, he was a flirt but partly, he only flirted with me to get under Vince's skin.

Tonight, I was being dragged out by Vince along with Nikki, Tommy and Mick, they were going out to a local bar for drinks having all of them now given into the temptation of alcohol, luckily they were all mostly sticking to the no drugs thing, and if they did do drugs it was nothing worse than cocaine which is bad enough in a lot of peoples opinions but trust me, coke is tame compared to some of the things the guys have ingested over the years.

Despite the fact they'd broken their sobriety things were good, more than good- Vince and I had our first child, a son who we'd named Zachary, shortened to Zak, in October of last year and I was currently pregnant with our second, I was three months at this current time, so tonight I wouldn't be drinking obviously.

When we arrived at the bar, Tommy and Nikki instantly headed over to the bar to grab drinks for themselves and Mick, while Mick went and sat down at a nearby table, Vince and I went to follow him but then just as we were about to walk over Vince froze and stared at something the other side of the room, my eyebrows furrowed and I followed his gaze and I quickly found out what he was staring at.

Sat at a table were Guns N' Roses, and Vin's gaze was focused on one man in particular- Axl Rose.

Oh, this is going to make tonight a little more interesting, I'm not sure whether that's good or bad though, I'll get back to you.

I sighed and nudged the blonde "Vince, no... leave it, don't you even think about going over there"

My husband glances at me and shook his head lightly "I'm not" he huffed "Just why the night we come out do they have to be here too?"

"You don't own Los Angeles, Vinnie, as much as you might want too... come on, sit down I'll go get us some drinks, what do you want?"


I nodded and placed a kiss to his cheek "Okay, I'll get it, forget about him, Vin... alright?"

𝗠𝗼̈𝘁𝗹𝗲𝘆 𝗖𝗿𝘂̈𝗲 𝗜𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀 🤍Where stories live. Discover now