💛 𝗣𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗯𝗼𝘆 𝗦𝗵𝗼𝗼𝘁 {𝗧𝗼𝗺𝗺𝘆 𝗟𝗲𝗲}

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This was a request by Jett_Joan, so thank you! This was fun to write... I hope it's okay! 😁


Y/N's POV, 1989

Hey, so.... my life's definitely been intriguing so far... I'm originally from Brazil but moved to the USA at the age of 19 to pursue a modelling career- it went pretty good actually 4 years ago when I was 21 I made it pretty big and became one of the most desired women in the fashion industry... I'd been on everything except playboy.

That was about to change though as me and my boyfriend of two years Tommy Lee had been approached to appear in the next edition of the magazine. Tommy and I met on the set of the Crüe's 'Girls, Girls, Girls' video- we'd instantly formed a connection, Tommy was really kind to me- he came over to me before we began shooting and offered me a bottle of water before chatting to me about general shit, he asked me where I was from and I told him about my home back in Brazil and my childhood and the desire I had to become a model from a very young age.

Tommy seemed fascinated with what I had to say but we were called to film as I was midway through a story about me arriving in the states, Tom looked pretty disheartened but I said we could continue the chat after the shoot and bless his heart he looked ecstatic by that.

Throughout the entire time we were filming Tommy didn't take his eyes off me, he followed my every move which made for some good shots and the director loved it. Nikki- being the menace he is- started to tease Tommy for having a crush- the drummer didn't confirm or deny the taunts which made Vince join in with the joke.

By the end of the day I'd spoken to each of the band and became aquatinted with them, Nikki and I became pretty good friends and I think Tommy was a little jealous of his Terror Twin.... only a bit though of course...

Just before I left Tommy pulled me aside and handed me his phone number making me promise to call him and meet up with him, I agreed and kissed his cheek before walking off.

I don't think it needs saying seems as I already mentioned we're together but all went very very well. I loved him, Tom was an easy guy to get along with, constantly up for a laugh, we got on perfectly.

So when I got the call from my agent about the playboy shoot, Tommy was more than a little excited, he was grinning like a psycho for hours afterwards and kept saying whether he should do it completely naked or have a little decency and put a sock on his dick, that made me break down into hysterics let me tell you now, just that mental image was amazing. Disagree, I dare you.

From the day I found out about the shoot until today- which is the day of the shoot he hadn't shut up about it... me on the other hand I was hesitant.

I mean, I'm hyped to do it cause like it's playboy- it's one of the best things a model can have on her repertoire but I'd only done fashion modelling before, swim wear and vogue shoots, this was an entirely different league.

Basically, I just felt really uncomfortable being naked in front of a camera, okay there will be something covering the areas which need to be but it doesn't leave a lot at all down to the imagination of course I hadn't voiced these concerns to Tommy until now, in the parking lot of the studio where we were called too for the shoot.

I sat in the passenger seat of the car and messed with the fabric of the dress I was wearing looking out of the window desperately trying to find something to distract me- Tommy picked up on my behaviour however and questioned it the second he saw it "Babe? What's wrong?"

I turn my head and meet my boyfriends eyes "Nothing... it's okay... I'm nervous that's all"

The drummers brows furrowed "Why?"

I sighed and shrugged "Don't know, I guess it's because this is my first naked shoot... just feeling kinda insecure"

"Insecure about what? There's nothing for you to be insecure about, look at you... your smokin' ain't nobody more attractive than you" Tommy says softly with a smirk on his lips and I can't help but smile myself at his words.

"Thanks for the flattery but that's not true... I don't wanna be on that magazine and have people compare me to the other girls, they're more attractive than me, Tom. You know that."

"No, I don't" he insisted, his eyes begging me to listen to him "Y/N, listen to me... your the most stunning woman I've ever seen... I fell in love with you the second I saw you. There isn't a chick on this planet who is more beautiful than you, all these playmates are gonna be so fucking jealous... everyone who sees you is gonna fall for you and you know what... I'm the luckiest guy in the world cause out of all the guys in the world, you chose me"

My eyes filled with happy tears at my boyfriends words and I lean over and place a kiss into his lips "I love you"

"I love you too" he mumbles intensifying the kiss slightly before pulling away a few seconds later "Now, we better go inside and get ready, so I can show you off to all the other guys in the room and say that your my girlfriend, I'm gonna make them wish they were me"

"Are you?" I smirked running a hand through his hair making Tommy hum in reply.

"I am... I don't it's gonna take much effort though as soon as we walk in everyone is gonna drool over you"

"I'd like to see that happen because I know it's not" i comment giving the man a look.

"Let's go in and prove you wrong shall we? Time to off your fucking gorgeous body" Tommy grinned wiggling his eyebrows while opening the car door and jumping out, I rolled my eyes and open my own car door climbing out of the car shutting the door behind me.

Tommy walked around and stood by my side offering me his hand which I took and entwined our fingers, I squeezed his hand and sent him a smile which he returned as we made our way from the parking lot into the studio.

Tom never failed to make me feel special, so... I knew that with Tommy by my side for this shoot it was gonna be easy. We're definitely going to have some fun that's for sure.


𝗠𝗼̈𝘁𝗹𝗲𝘆 𝗖𝗿𝘂̈𝗲 𝗜𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀 🤍Where stories live. Discover now