•💛 𝗙𝗼𝗿𝗴𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀 {𝗧𝗼𝗺𝗺𝘆 𝗟𝗲𝗲}

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Okay, so this was another request by Jett_Joan, thank you!

I'm not that familiar with Bobbie Brown so I'm sorry if I get her personality for the bit she's in completely wrong- anyway, hope you like it!


Tommy's POV, February 2010

It's been 15 years today since my daughter Tasha had been born and it was today I'd decided would be a good time to actually start being a proper father.

It might be to little too late but I need to try.

For some context to this situation, I met the love of my life Bobbie Brown (the ex-wife of Jani Lane from Warrant) back in 1994... I loved her with all my heart really I did... but like usual I fucked up.

We'd only been dating 6 months or so when Bobbie fell pregnant... I didn't know what to do, at that point I wasn't ready for kids... I could and should have handled it better than I did though, I know that much. A week after Bobbie told me she was pregnant I met Pamela Anderson... and in a desperate attempt to get away from the impending responsibility of a child I ended my relationship with Bobbie that same day and married Pamela only four days after meeting her.

It was a dick move, I really didn't need to be reminded cause I fucking know.

Bobbie pretty much hated my existence and I really don't blame her... I did see Tasha... I did... but only a few times a year, I was very absent... I didn't know how to fix it and even if I tried Bobbie wouldn't let me, my love for Bobbie never faded though, I divorced Pamela in 1997 because I just didn't love her but we have remained friends.

Tasha always asked me the times I did see her why I was never around, I had no idea on what to say... Bobbie never told Tash the fact I didn't want her initially and I thank her for that everyday cause if my own daughter hated me then I don't know what I'd do.

I know I hurt Tash by never really there for her and that kills me... ever since I first saw my daughter I wanted to fix things with them, it's easier said than done though especially if you consider how much of an asshole I was.

As it's Tasha's 15th birthday today I felt like I had to fix the many many mistakes I made with my family and hope and pray she'll forgive me for being a shitty dad.

Yesterday I rang Bobbie and asked if I could pay a visit to the house today, she told me that Tash was having friends round but that if I wasn't staying for that long I could talk to her for a while- it was obvious I wasn't trusted and I don't expect Bobbie to trust me after the crap I put her through, I agreed to her terms- I got 30 minutes to talk to my child and try and sort out our fragmented relationship.

After I fix or shall I say if I fix my relationship with Tasha I wanna start fixing my relationship with Bobbie... I'll never stop loving her although I completely get it if she stopped loving me a long time ago.

I was quite nervous to see Tasha, I hadn't seen her in almost a year... that wasn't my choice though believe me... Bobbie wouldn't let me see her she said until I wanted to fix what I'd done I couldn't see her. I spoke to her over the phone but not in person, well I'm fixing this situation now and I won't give up until I have completely fixed everything, Tash deserved a father.

So, I was driving right now to Bobbie's house which was about 15 minutes away from mine, the entire drive I was trying to think of what I'd actually say but I guess I'll just say whatever feels right at the time, I prayed that this was gonna go how I wanted it to go.

When I got to Bobbies house I parked up and got the gift and card I had for Tasha from the passenger seat before climbing out of my car and shutting the door- hesitantly walking towards the front door and ringing the doorbell- as I waited for the door to open my heart was beating out of my chest so much so I felt physically sick.

I had to fix this.

The door swung open suddenly and I was greeted by the face of Bobbie who actually looked rather surprised to see me... did she not expect me to turn up? "Tommy" she said curtly.

"Hey... er-... I.. er.. can I see her?" I stuttered.

Bobbie sighed and nodded "Yes, Tommy... you can see her, we had a deal... come in" the woman moved to the side and allowed me inside the house, she closed the door and silently made her way into the living room with me following behind, before I even enter the room I hear Bobbie say "Tash? There's someone who'd like to see you"


"Come and see"

Bobbie came back to me and sent a tight smile just as Tasha came through the doorway and laid her eyes on me, the girls eyes widened and she just stared at me "Dad?"

"Hey, sweetheart... happy birthday" I mumble sending an unsure smile toward her, it gave me some relief when she returned the smile.

"Thank you..."

I nod and clear my throat "I wanted to talk to you if that's okay" Tash looked at her mother and Bobbie nodded for her to agree so that's what she did.

"Okay... we can go to my room then" she hummed quietly, moving towards the stairs- I follow on behind and we get rather quickly to her bedroom where we sit down on her bed, there's a relatively awkward silence for a moment or two before I break it by handing her the gift and card I had for her.

"Couldn't turn up without anything for you, I don't know if you'll like it... but I tried, I'm shit at buying gifts so just a heads up"

Tasha smiles and laughs slightly "I'm sure I'll love it, thanks dad... you didn't have too"

That stung... 'you didn't have too'... it's my daughters birthday and she said I didn't have to buy her anything... fuck, why am I such an asshole?

"Yes I did, your my daughter- fuck, I've screwed up... Tash I-... I'm so sorry for everything... I'm sorry I haven't been here for you... I don't expect you to forgive me and frankly I don't deserve it... but don't think for a moment that just because I've distanced myself from you willingly or unwillingly it doesn't matter... don't think that I don't love you because I do, I love you so much"

"It's okay... I get it..." the girl says with a pained smile... seeing the pain in her eyes in this moment makes my eyes fill with tears.

"No, it's not... none of this is okay, I should've been here for you but I haven't been... you deserve a father and I'm so so sorry I haven't been much of one, it might be too late to fix but I wanna try... I want to be your father if you'll let me... I love you Tasha I'd I could go and and change how I treated you and your mother I would but I c-can't... I'm so s-..sorry" my voice towards the end of my speech began to crack and the tears which had gathering in my eyes fell, tears were now also in Tash's eyes as she wordlessly shuffled forward and wrapped her arms around me, I let out a deep breath and sobbed wrapping my arms around her in return "I'm s-so sorry... so f-..fucking sorry"

"It's okay dad, I forgive you" she mutters tightening her grip on me, I smiled against her shoulder feeling happier than I've felt in a long time... it was a start... a start to a long journey but I'm determined to get my family back, I'll fight for Tasha and Bobbie until the day I die.


𝗠𝗼̈𝘁𝗹𝗲𝘆 𝗖𝗿𝘂̈𝗲 𝗜𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀 🤍Where stories live. Discover now