❤️ 𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗱𝗿𝗮𝘄𝗮𝗹𝘀 {𝗡𝗶𝗸𝗸𝗶 𝗦𝗶𝘅𝘅}

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For some reason, if you can't tell, I love writing vulnerable Nikki, I don't know why but nevermind it's cute ... so here's another one 😂

Disclaimer: Past drug abuse, drug recovery.



Nikki was getting clean, finally.

But this being Nikki didn't want to go to a proper conventional rehab, no, because he'd already been there a couple of years back and said he wanted to do it himself, so he's going to lock himself in our bedroom and just deal with withdrawals.

Nikki had to convince me for hours to let him do this, but he insisted he'd be okay and that as long as I was there he could do it without professional help.

I had agreed but only in the condition that after the withdrawals ended he'd still go see somebody like a therapist or a drug addiction expert, just someone that could keep him clean. Nikki promised he would and he was telling the truth, I knew that as I was and always had been very good at reading the bassist.

Nikki didn't hide anything from me, he's never needed too as I've never judged him for having problems, we trusted eachother with everything.

It was going to be difficult to watch Nikki struggle and be in pain but in the end it's be worth it, I could put up with the snapping and yelling.

We cleaned out the house of all drugs, Nikki showed me all of his hiding places and stashes of cocaine and heroin and we gave it all to me in a plastic carrier bag telling me to go out in the car and dispose of it. I did as I was told and got rid of it a couple of miles away in an alleyway dumpster.

My husband had also warned he before he started his self-cleaning that for the first day or so I should leave him alone, nomatter how much he screams and yells- he warned me that he will say things, hurtful things- he will say anything to me to get me to either let him out or give him drugs and he told me not to listen- that nothing he'll say will be true.

And yes, he was right. Nikki for the first two days he was locked in our room was angry, no he was completely fucking pissed, he threw things, screamed, cried- he called me names and said some less than friendly things about our relationship and marriage- I won't even repeat anything he said, you can use your imagination for that- all of the remarks I ignored knowing this wasn't Nikki.

Today, on the third day, he'd significantly calmed down but the beginning of the worst of the withdrawals were hitting him. I went in this morning to find Nikki curled up under the duvet of our bed shaking fiercely and softly crying.

"Hey, Nikki... hey... you're okay.." I say as I rushed over to him climbing into the bed and lifting him up, Nikki met my eyes and he just looked so exhausted and sick, it really broke me.

He was shivering like he was cold but the heat radiating off his body was overwhelming, he was also covered in a thin layer of sweat.

"It-.. it.. h-hurts, so m-much" Nikki whimpered out while I held him in my arms.

"I know" I mutter, moving my head to his shoulder so I could begin trailing chaste kisses down his neck softly.

𝗠𝗼̈𝘁𝗹𝗲𝘆 𝗖𝗿𝘂̈𝗲 𝗜𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀 🤍Where stories live. Discover now