💛 𝗦𝗶𝗰𝗸 {𝗧𝗼𝗺𝗺𝘆 𝗟𝗲𝗲}

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I was sleeping peacefully until I was suddenly awoken by the wrenching and gagging of Tommy in our en-suite bathroom.

The drummer had not been feeling too good before we headed to bed- he said he felt incredibly nauseous which explained his pale complexion- I'd placed a glass of water next to his side of the bed and I'd asked him to wake me up if he actually did vomit- which evidently he hasn't.

I let out a deep sigh before slowly climbing out of bed and heading towards the bathroom where as I approached I heard the man throw up once again. Standing next to the door frame I observed the half naked man, he was caked in a thin layer of sweat, hunched over the toilet his long brunette hair sprawled out in all directions.

Carefully, without startling him- I walk up behind him and rub a hand up from the middle of his back up his spine and onto his shoulder, his body tenses for a moment before relaxing again.

I drop down onto my knees next to him, taking my hand on his shoulder to his hair pulling it out his face.

Once I could get a good look at my boyfriend, I saw just how awful he looked. His eyes were dark and sullen, his face was white as a sheet with perhaps a slight green tinge but it was hard to tell in the darkened room.

"Oh, Tommy..." I begin while wiping my thumb over his forehead repeatedly in a hope to make him feel even slightly better "Why didn't you wake me up?"

A groan sounds from Tommy's throat as he tilts his head to the slide placing it between my chin and chest, closing his eyes "I-.. I didn't want to be a burden to you" he speaks hoarsely and barely above a whisper.

"You'd never be a burden. Your sick, I don't want you suffering alone."

"I'm sorry- I jus-" he managed before horrifically lurching forward and throwing his head back into the toilet bowl and throwing up again, I begin to rub circles on his back with my hand, assuring him that I was there.

This continues for about a hour- the rockstar not being able to go 5 minutes without profusely vomiting. It had been going on for so long how I was actually rather surprised at how he's still got anything to throw up in his body, but soon enough he stopped completely- we just sat for an extra 20 or so minutes to make sure we wouldn't get up just to be back down here again.

Tommy then leaned and placed his head onto my lap, curling up his legs up to his chest- wrapping an arm around himself while his other one held onto my hand.

"Everythin's killin' me" he mumbles not wanting to speak any louder because his throat was burnt from his constant regurgitating.

"Oh sweetheart, I know... but you can't stay there.." I go to stand up but the grip on my hand from Tommy's hand get tighter preventing me from moving.

"W.. where are you going?"

"Nowhere, I promise" I assured, running a hand through his damp locks "Let's go back into bed" Tommy nodded using the little energy he had from the last couple of hours. Carefully, I helped the man up from the floor, moving him slowly as not to set off his nausea again.

Once he was on his feet, Tommy wrapped his arms around me and I guided him back into bed- laying him down gently.

All the man could do was whimper lightly as his body ached- to try and help I filled up his glass with water so he could rinse the acidic taste from his mouth and soothe his throat.

"T-thank you" Tommy mumbles downing half the glass immediately.

I nod and climb into bed next to him "How you feeling now?"

The drummer shrugs and shivers slightly. "B-better than before... I don't feel a-as sick"

"Probably because you've got nothing else left in you to vomit"

A small laugh came from the drummer before he shuffled closer to me resting his head into my chest. My arms slide around him and meet on his lower rib cage.

"I love you, y'know?"

"I know" I muttered before kissing the side of his head "Let's try and get some sleep okay, and if you feel sick again please please wake me up"

Tommy nodded with a grin "I will"


The rest of the night passed without any interruptions- when we did wake Tommy still looked and felt like shit but atleast he wasn't puking his guts up anymore.

I asked him if he wanted anything to eat to which he shook his head furiously "Nope, then I'll definitely throw up"

"Okay" I laugh before asking "Could you manage a coffee?"

"Yeah, I'm sure a coffee won't hurt"

I sent him a nod before heading downstairs leaving Tommy in bed and heading into the kitchen where I collected 2 mugs and placed a teaspoon and a half of coffee into each mug, boiled the kettle and waited before filling the mugs with coffee adding a splash of milk and heading back up stairs with the hot mugs of coffee.

The moment I enter Tommy's field of view his glum expression changes back into a smile, I smile back holding one of the mugs our for him to take.


"It's alright" I comment, getting back into the bed and cuddling up next to my boyfriend.

"So.... what we gonna do about today? Nikki's meant to be coming over at 12"

My eyes widened. "Damn, I forgot about him... erm- wanna cancel? We can hang with him at the weekend maybe? Just then that gives you a few days to recover"

"I'm sure Nikki would be thrilled to know you forgot his existence when I tell him"

"Hey!" I scold while whacking him gently. "I didn't completely forget about him I've just been caught up with you so I forgot he was meant to be coming round"

"You still forgot him."

I roll my eyes. "Look, do you want to cancel or not?"

Tommy thinks before nodding. "Probably for the best"

"Right, I'll ring him then" I huffed while going to throw the duvet off me but the drummer stopped me before I could.

"Don't do it now"

"Why not?"

"I wanna cuddle"


Tommy whined childishly before throwing himself on-top of me- making it so I was unable to move. "Noooooooo, cuddddllleeee mmmmeeeeee"

It was pointless arguing with the man-child so I wrap my arms around him like I did earlier and let him snuggle into my chest placing his legs between mine. "Happy now?"

With a smug, content hum Tommy whispers. "Very"


𝗠𝗼̈𝘁𝗹𝗲𝘆 𝗖𝗿𝘂̈𝗲 𝗜𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀 🤍Where stories live. Discover now