Food Fight(Rat)

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Tonight was quiet. Dream looked around the room, a light frown on his face. The table was silent, save for the scraping and clicking of spoons and forks. Cross had cooked this time. He'd made something that Killer really liked. It was slightly salty, in Dream's opinion, but that was remedied by a bit of seasoning.

Nightmare sat beside Dream, twisting his fork and staring at the shadows it cast. Since there was more than one light, the shadows were tripled, making the display more distracting than it should've been. Killer sat across from Dream, practically inhaling the food with a wide grin. He'd been excited when Dream called them for dinner, having been the first one to sit down. Killer had already eaten at least three plates and was now on his fourth, and from the looks of it, he was going to have a fifth.

When Cross had made literal heaps of the meal, Dream had been doubtful. Now, though, he understood and said nothing about the taste. Nightmare was the last person to sit, and he had yet to even acknowledge his plate of food. Cross wasn't any different.

The quiet monster was absently tapping the table with his spoon and rubbing his neck with his free hand. Nightmare lowered his fork, his gaze darting to Cross for a moment before snapping down to his food. With a nasty scowl, he stabbed the asparagus and almost violently bit it. Not even two seconds later, he gagged and spit it out, directly into Killer's plate. Dream gasped, "Nightmare!" A glob of mashed potatoes splattered across Nightmare's shirt. It was Cross's turn to gasp, scolding Killer sharply. "Killer."

Both were ignored. Nightmare, glowering, scooped up potatoes from his plate to hurl them onto Killer's face. The teen sputtered curses, the table rattling as he stood up roughly. "That's it, I'm tired of your god damn bullshit!" Cross shouted wordlessly as Killer took his entire plate and hit Nightmare with it. It shattered on impact, food flying onto the walls and floors. The chairs screeched, falling over with a clatter, Killer leaping over the table to tackle Nightmare. The darker swore loudly, hissing angrily and swiping at Killer. "Hey!" Still, Cross was ignored.

Dream scrambled out of the way, his eyes wide as they tore at each other wildly. He stumbled back to where Cross was, panicking. The table jerked, Killer having bumped into it, and Cross finally stood up. Breathing heavily, he rounded the table and grabbed Killer before Nightmare decided to really fight back. Killer snarled, struggling and yelling, summoning knives and throwing them. "Killer, please!" Cross flinched as many of the knives found their mark. Nightmare threw his head back, barking in pain, scrambling under the table to escape.




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