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[The Graveyard]

Cross, walking into a cemetery, an ominously glowing box sealed with wax under his arm and a duffel bag on his back. He goes right up to the closest grave and drops the box there, digging out a razor. "You better be grateful after this, you piece of shit..."

The wax pops off in crumbling chunks. He jams the thin blade in the crack of the lid, gritting his teeth with effort as he cuts through the box. The instant the box is no longer sealed, he feels pressure build from inside, pushing at the lid. He pushes back, planting his foot on top for good measure. "Listen. The asshole cemetery custodian guy is gonna come through soon. Easy pickings."

The pressure eased, and Cross's mouth twitched at the corners. Now he has its attention. "I checked his background already. Dude's basically nobody, he's still young enough to live like 50 years, and he's clean. No drugs, no history of drugs, no hospital records on any disease or born illnesses. He'll be here in 5 minutes or so." Cross dumps a duffel bag on the grassy floor, "Clothes, some food, and a phone. You know how to use these things. Call me when you're done. I'll come pick you up."

He, awkwardly as his other foot was on the box still, kicked the duffel bag, shoving it behind the gravestone, grunting as he does so. "Stay inside the damn box for once. Be patient, or you lose our golden opportunity that I spent weeks hunting down." The pressure vanished entirely and he eased his foot off. The box stayed shut. Cross's mouth quirked up into a grin. "Good boy."

Tires crunched on the gravel road he'd come down, the telling hum of an engine approaching. Cross ducked quickly as the headlights cut through the wall of trees that served as his only cover. He grinned wider, watching the old beat-up truck pull into the cemetery, making for the locked shed near the back. The doors slammed, the engine cut off, and Cross glanced at the box in time to see the glowing eyes vanish and the lid close. He snorted. "Yeah, yeah, I'm excited too, but don't blow it, alright?"

The silence was his only answer. Cross hopped up to his feet, tugging his hood over his head. "Good luck, dude. See you in a few hours." The fence rattled as he jumped it, just like he wanted it to.

"Hey! Who's over there!" Cross took off down the road, slipping into the bushes across the road. He looked back to see a flashlight beam bouncing around towards the spot he'd just been. A sneer spread across his face. Perfect. He could hear the crack of the box opening, his cue to haul ass back home, which he didn't hesitate to do.


Fresh kicked off the cemetery keeper's pants, humming a tune as he wiped himself down with the rags Cross left him in the bag. Blood dried annoyingly quickly. He opened another water bottle, emptying it on his face and scrubbing vigorously. Honestly, it would've been far easier to shower at Cross's, but his lover insisted that "bloody people aren't very appreciated."

The pile of skin and organs at his feet stank horribly. Fresh kicked at a lung, frowning his displeasure. He glared at the pile, sending it to the shadowrealm. It vanished in a rush of air, leaving not a speck behind. Good. Cross would've been upset if there was evidence left, and Fresh didn't like making Cross upset.

Speaking of which...

Fresh stooped over, grabbing the little phone from the duffel bag. He opened it up, immediately going to call Cross. It hardly had time to ring before Cross picked up. "So?" Fresh rubbed at a particularly stubborn spot of blood, answering brightly. "What's ya address? We're haveta finally watch that rad anime ya like ta rant about."


fresh stole the cemetery guy's skeleton lmao

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