He's alright...right?

354 6 2

Dream woke up at dawn. He blinked slowly, taking in the familiar sight of heavy curtains tightly drawn. His bones shivered, aching from his last fight. Dust swirled thickly in thin rays of sunlight, the beams slipping in through openings in the curtains. Faintly, he could hear the city waking up. The sounds of cars and people grew louder with each passing second. Their energy seemed to drain his.

His body felt heavy as he forced himself to sit up. His phone screen lit up, cutting through the darkness of his room. Yet again, someone was calling. Dream stared at the vibrating device, eyes blank and dull. The phone's vibrations ceased, another notification popping in. 86 missed calls.

He sighed heavily, movements slow as he gradually eased out of bed. Pink slippers dark with stains waited for his feet. Dream didn't bother to get dressed. He shuffled out into the equally dark loft that he called 'home'. More curtains lined the walls, little fragments of sunlight permeating the wooden floor with lines. His bones creaked in protest as he made his way to his kitchen.

Plates were piled high in the sink, the steady drip drip drip of the faucet lulling him further into a zombie-like state. The kitchen was filled with a symphony of tiring sounds. The fridge hummed a low tune as the coffee machine buzzed and began to make a noise like a babbling stream. The microwave's plate clinked as it spun slowly behind that dotted glass. Dream was lost in his motions, his mind on auto-pilot. As it had been for far too long. Beep! Beep! Bee-! He absently tugged open the microwave, silencing it insistant beeping. Distantly, he wondered if he was annoying someone with these noises.

'Breakfast' was just a biscut and coffee. Then, like he did every day, Dream wandered back to his room and crawled into bed. His soul felt warm from the coffee, and his mind felt foggy from those strange feelings that were like black holes. They made every other emotion he felt suddenly disappear, making room for itself to grow and fill him with nothingness.


"Dream?" Soft, like he was afraid to wake him. His eyes opened languidly, dazed eyelights scanning the room in search of that familiar voice. Someone's head was poking in from the doorway. He opened his mouth to speak, but his voice was locked away. He hadn't spoken for so long. That person slipped in, face worried and... afraid? Why was he afraid? Dream was harmless, he didn't understand.

"Hey...How do you feel...?" Dream's voice still refused to work, so he lifted his hand to gesture with a thumbs up. He's okay. The person's face warped. "Please.. Please, please don't lie to me." Dream flinched. But he wasn't lying, right? He was just fine! Nothing was wrong..


"C'mon bro. Let's get you up." Wasn't he just confused about something? Brother's face swam in his vision, emotional exhaustion taking over. No. He wasn't confused. He was okay. Nothing was wrong.


Dream looked pitiful, curled on his side with a tight frown in his sleep. That's all he did. Sleep. Nightmare was worried, god, he was so fucking worried. He couldn't remember what Dream sounded like, or what his smile looked like. He never thought that he'd miss it. He never thought that he'd miss his brother like he did now.

Never had it even crossed his mind that Dream could slip so deep into something so dark. The guardian had completely vanished from the multiverse, sending everyone who bothered to care into a wild goose chase. How funny that Nightmare was the one to find him, after two years of searching.

Dream's phone lit up again, this time with a message. Curious, Nightmare drifted over, squinting at the overly bright screen, his brow furrowing at the text. I'm sorry for what I said. Please talk to me. What? Who... Nightmare's socket narrowed, eyelight darting to his brother's limp form. He hesitated before snatching up the phone and opening the message.

There were only four messages.

8/5>>Fuck you
8/5>>I hate you
8/5>>I hope you die you fucking liar

7:41>>Im sorry for what I said
7:41>>Please talk to me

Even as he read, new messages popped up, making his soul twist with anger.

7:42>>I love you I swear I do
7:42>>I didnt mean it
7:42>>I know your reading this
7:43>>your ignoring me arent you
7:43>>dont ignore me
7:44>>you know what fuck you i dont have time for someone like you
7:44>>heartless bitch

Inhaling shaply, Nightmare furiously typed out a response, not caring that it wasn't his business. But he didn't send it. No, Nightmare stopped halfway through, his soul filled with conflicting emotions. He might ruin Dream's relationship with someone. All hesitation flew out the window as the next message popped in.

7:46>>nm shouldve killed you when he had the chance

Clearly, someone was prodding at things they shouldn't. Oh, they knew how to make Dream hurt, it seemed. Nightmare grit his teeth. Some fucker thought they could just harm Dream without consequences. They are very mistaken. Nightmare could list a few people right off the top of his head that would love to get their hands on this person. He chuckled, taking his own phone out to save the number. He was going to have some fun with this. Someone had hell to pay.

But first...

He glanced at Dream's still form. But first, he had a brother to take care of.


Yeah, I had a good idea for this, but i have no idea how to connect this to it. So merry christmas, you get an unfinished fic UwU.

Well, as unfinished as it can be.

Ispired by this song:

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