Oh, okay then.

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Cross sat silently, staring at the vast empty white of his dead AU. His legs were folded beneath him, bruised and scratched from his fall.

He'd finally done it. He'd finally fucked up bad enough to be thrown back into this hell. Nightmare had sneered at him, laughing at his struggles, and dropped him through a portal. Cross had tumbled across the floor, shooting up to his feet and trying to go back through the portal. Nightmare had shoved him back down, and told him that he'd be freed when he stopped being such a fuck up.

He hadn't moved since then, besides sitting up. Tears still rolled down his cheekbones, tremors of fear running up and down his spine. Ink had to have sensed him by now. He'd show up and attack him on sight, and Cross wouldn't be able to do anything.

Chara hovered a few feet away, humming under his breath and occasionally glancing at Cross. Finally, he grew bored and approached his companian. Cross's breath stuttered as the ghostly human spoke. "You're just going to sit there and cry? You know you can leave if you want."

Cross glared at him, rubbing at his cheeks vigourously. "Fuck off, Chara. I don't have the patience-" Chara cut him off, mocking offence. "C'mon, criss-cross, that's no way to treat a friend."

"You're not my friend." Chara's playful demeaner fell, making way for frustration. "Well then what am I, huh?" Cross got to his feet, snarliing angrily, "You are the bastard that got me in this mess." Chara reeled away as Cross continued. "If it weren't for you and that fucking button, I wouldn't be here, I wouldn't be in this god damn hellhole!" Neither of them noticed that a portal had opened, the same one that had brought him here. Chara backed up, stammering frantically, "But without me, you'd be dead! You would've died here!" Cross barked out a laugh, fists clenching, tears starting to flow again. "Well you know what, Chara? Maybe I should've. Dying would've been a hell of a lot better than all the shit you put me through! This is all your fault!"

Cross's fingers snapped, a huge knife flashing into existance, the blade scalding hot. Chara cringed away as Cross swung it at him, scrambling away. "You and your manipulation put me here! It was you who killed our world, you whos plans that got me stuck with those bastards, it was all your fucking fault!" Chara lept away, barly escaping another slice, growing angry as well. "My fault?! I wasn't the one who killed everyone! If you had just listened to us, Gaster would've died and we wouldn't be here!" Cross flinched as Chara own blade appeared.

"If you hadn't fucked around with that god damn button, I wouldn't have had to kill them! I had nothing to do with it! You dragged me into that mess!" Chara snarled, lunging forward with a cry. Cross grunted as he was knocked onto the floor, instinctivly snapping his knife up to sheild himself. Steel sparked, a harsh blow meant for his skull landing on the broad side of the blade. Cross threw Chara to the side, rolling over to pin him down. The human howled as the knife burned him, thrashing wildly.

Cross stared down at him emotionlessly, pressing down with the blade harder. Blood welled up around the sharp edge, sizzling in the heat. Chara let out another screech, bucking and scratching at Cross's hands. "Get off of me!!" Cross growled, "Why should I? I could kill you right now, get rid of you completely." Chara snapped his teeth at him, tears starting to prick his eyes. "If you kill me then you'll die too!" Cross laughed, shaking his head, "Bold of you to assume I want to live. Getting rid of you sounds more appealing than living." Chara was getting desperate, his clawing growing frantic. "Cross, wait, please-!"

He cried out as Cross slid the knife away, leaving a bloody welt behind. The taller pushed himself away, spitting at him and throwing the knife down. Chara clutched his throat, wheezing through his tears. "I won't kill you." Chara's head snapped up, eyes wide as Cross summoned their soul. He reapeated himself, this time adding; "I won't kill you, but I am not dealing with your bullshit again." Chara didn't have time to process it. Cross dug his nails into the red half, gritting his teeth against the pain. A hoarse scream wrenched itself from Chara's mouth, the half-solid ghost falling silent after a moment. His trasparent form slowly faded, and Cross grinned, panting.

Chara was knocked out, and would remain that way for a while. Cross let the soul go, pressing his hand to his chest, feeling faint. He jolted as a long whistle broke through the quiet. He spun around, finding Nightmare and two others standing there. Killer waved, grinning. Cross stared back silently, lowering his head to hide in his scarf. "Aw, don't be shy~" He glared at Dust, turning away to snatch up his discarded knife and desummoning it. He proceeded to sit on the floor and stare at them.

Nightmare raised a brow at him, "What are you doing?" Cross shrugged, already settling into his usual stoic demeaner. "I'm assuming the punishment is still in order. You never come back so soon." Nightmare's tendrils twitched, confused. Killer snickered, "Cross, you've been here for two weeks." Cross glanced at him, "Yeah I know. I expected more time, since I failed so badly." Dust fidgeted, looking around blankly. "So uh, what did you do to that kid?" Cross tipped his head, eyelights bright with menace. "I knocked him out."

 Dust stared at him a few seconds, before he scoffed and went back into the portal. "You guys can deal with him. I've got shit to do." Cross stayed seated on the ground, absently tracing his scar with his fingers and humming under his breath. Nightmare shoved Killer towards Cross, "Deal with him. Return when you're done." With that, Nightmare left the two alone.

Cross stared up at Killer, waiting. The tear-streaked monster plopped onto the floor, still grinning. "Yanno, I've never seen ya so angry. Were you really gonna kill him??" Cross snorted, "Yup." Killer smiled wider, "Even though it would kill you too?" Cross nonchalantly nodded, still tracing his scar. "Wouldn't be the first time I considered it, so it's whatever. We gonna head back or...??" 

Killer shrugged, "I guess."


The castle was on fire. "Okay then."

~The end~

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