
744 19 13

Just Geno's thoughts. Or his journal. Reaper's reading it. That snooping son of a bi-


Okay, so, Reaper got me a journal, and told me to use it like a diary. I'm only going to write/say this once: I am not going to even touch this thing again.


I know what I said. I just have to get this off my chest. I have an issue. It ridiculous and I shouldn't even be writing about it, but maybe it'll stop nagging me if I do. Here goes nothing. I think Reaper might have feelings. I don't know how to feel about it. He's been overly affectionate and I have no idea how to react. It's bothersome, but at the same time, it's not.


The problem is worse now. He's admitted to liking me, but recently, he's started talking about Life. He's always gushing about her, talking about how 'amazing' she is. I expected this, but I admit, it still hurts pretty damn badly.


He's not visiting as often. It's because of her, I know it. He doesn't like me anymore, I'm sure of it. There's been some weird stuff happening ever since I figured that out. There's been vines growing out of my soul shard. It's not painful, but it's uncomfortable. Like someone's putting pressure on my soul. There's no way that it won't start hurting.


My glitch disappeared, and now theres a flower in my skull. It's so uncomfortable. Those vines are so much tighter than before, and it's starting to hurt. They get longer everytime I check them. I'm starting to freak out. Where's Reaper in all this? He hasn't shown up in over a week.


The vines grew thorns. They're budding now, too. Already, there's three flowers. There's another one growing from my chest. It's been a month since Reaper's visited. I'm starting to think he forgot me. That's okay. I'm perfectly fine without him.


He forgot me.


There's five flowers now. The one in my skull is making it hard to blink. The slash has been bleeding more now that theres two flowers poking out of it. I tried to take them out, but as soon as I touched it, I almost screamed. It hurts too much. The vines are everywhere now. I don't doubt that there's not a single bone left untouched.


I̶t̶'̶s̶ ̶g̶o̶t̶t̶e̶n̶ ̶h̶a̶r̶d̶e̶r̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶b̶r̶e̶a̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶s̶o̶m̶e̶ ̶r̶e̶a̶s̶o̶n̶.There's petals in my throat, and I can't breathe too well. I have this neverending headache, too. I'm starting to miss Reaper. It's been three months since I've last seen him. I don't think he's coming back. My soul hurts.


It's my fault he's gone, isn't it? It's been half a year since he's been here, and it's my fault. It always is. I think I'm sick. I threw up blood and flowers earlier. I hope this passes soon.


It's so much worse now. I can't see well. Those damn flowers are starting to growovermyeys. Itsgettingharderto write in thisbok


I pulled the flowers off, so I can see now. But there's blood everywhere. I tried to clean it up, but my magic is really weak. I checked my soul. It looks like it's about to shatter.


So many cracks and vines. They don't grow over my eyes anymore. It hurts to breathe.


I thought I saw Reaper. But I was wrong. It hurts so much more now.


I heard something, like a portal opening. I wanted to get up and check it out, but it hurts to move my legs. I'm dying, aren't I? I think I know what happening now.


A year and a half, still no Reaper. Hurts to write, and see. got to write slow and short


Can't breathe. chest hurts. tired. still no Reap


Seeing things, no Reap. Sad


Two years. Flowers, vines, soul, all hurts. no Reap. 


I loved you, Reaper.

(He dead, lmao)

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