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sdjfa; whoops, also i got this idea from watching avatar the last airbender [series] so sjdkf;alskd


"Killer, this is a horrible idea-"

"Relax, crisscross, it'll be fun. Trust me."

Cross anxiously peered over the edge of the large tub, sweat beading his skull. "If we fall-" Killer roughly slapped his shoulders, snickering as Cross yelped. "Quit worrying. Trust me, you'll have the time of your life." Killer started to lean forward, Cross gasping as the tub teetered forward.

He snatched onto Killer's hoodie, yanking him back and sending the tub backwards. Killer's shirt collar went taut against his throat, choking him. "Ack- Cross, chill!" He freed himself from Cross's hold, rubbing his throat as he situated himself once more. "Hold onto me if you're that scared, jesus christ." Cross did just that, looping his limbs around Killer like a koala and burying his face into the crook of the other's neck.

Killer shuffled forward again, the tub balancing precariously on the ledge. Cross squeezed his eyes shut. He hated everything about this. First, Killer had found an enormous mountain, then he'd somehow roped Cross into sledding down it, inside a bathtub. Cross whimpered. It was cold, and they were so high up. If anything went wrong, their dust would be scattered across the mountain, and that's not how Cross ever thought he'd go out.

Killer hummed, "Ready?" Cross trembled. No. He was absolutely not ready. "..y-yeah." A wider grin broke out across Killer's face, and he leaned forward. Everything went quiet, the world holding its breath. And then, Killer whooped as they tipped over the edge and flew down the mountainside.

Cross screamed, the sound lost in the shrieking wind. "NO NO NO NO I WANNA GET OFF-!!" The tub rattled over some rocks, Cross damn near bursting into tears as it did so. He clung onto Killer tighter, feeling his cape whip around behind him. The wind tore at his clothes, Killer's joyful shouting just barely audible. Snow flew up around them, getting all over the pair and soaking them to the bone.

"GET READY CROSSY!!" He barely had time to brace himself for whatever it was. His soul was pounding like a jackhammer, the pulse beating loudly in his skull. Cross tightened his hold. And then the ground disappeared, and for a long, soul-stopping second, they hung in the air, Killer howling out something excited. Cross sobbed into Killer's neck, panic gripping him tight. He tried to lift his head, just to try and see what was happening.

Wind rushed through his skull, agitating his magic and bringing more tears to his eyes, but the discomfort it brought was forgotten quickly. Cross shrieked at the sight of the snowy ground rushing up to meet them. His eyelights flickered twice, and Cross passed out.


Cross jolted awake hours later, choking on his breath. "K-killer!?" What happened, where was he, where was KIller-! "Hey, hey, calm down. I'm right here." Cross sobbed out in relief, twisting around to grip onto his boyfriend. "I fucking hate you," Cross whined. Killer chuckled, his arms settling around Cross. "Sorry sweetheart, I didn't know you were actually scared." Cross was silent, deciding not to answer that.

After a long moment of nearly falling asleep, Cross quietly murmured, "...I wanna do it again, but maybe not on a mountain." Killer paused, and then grinned into the dark room. "You got it, Crossy."


And that's how Cross gained a fear of heights/j

poor cross, you should never trust killer slkdjfa; also cross learned to use safewords outside of bedroom scenes mostly to let killer know that he's really not into what might happen. thankfully he doesn't need to use them often but every now and then killer comes up with something so dumb that cross ends up having to basically yell out a sfwd to get killer to realize that cross isn't about to do this and he wants off immediately. all in all tho, most of killer's plans end in cross realizing yet again that killer is an adrenaline junkie sdlfas;ldfa

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