Uno Champion

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a better ending to intense uno, requested by NarminaRasulova


Killer stared at the kitchen table, his eyes wide and face swamped with bright red. Not only did Cross beat him at Uno, but he beat Killer's ass in that sparring match. It wasn't Killer's fault! Cross was a cheater, parading around without a shirt like that. Killer shivered. Cross was an asshole who could look stupidly sexy when he wanted to. 

Cross snickered beside him, passing Killer a bowl of potato soup. "What's wrong, Kills? You're pouting." Killer refused to look at him, his blush glowing brighter. Stupid Cross with his stupid chest and his stupid abs and why was he summoned while they were sparring??!! 

Killer's mind continuously replayed the instant Killer started losing. His hand brushed Cross's waist, the warm purple skin smooth and-

Yeah, Cross had him down in a second. And that was two hours ago. Killer's hand shook the tiniest bit. Warm. His fingers clenched around his fork, teeth grit. Stupid Cross. He started shoveling soup into his mouth, choking it down as fast as he could and staring at Cross. 

And the bastard had the gall to slow down. Seconds ticked by slowly, Cross slurping the last drops of his soup. Nightmare watched them, amused, waiting until Killer exploded. Cross put his bowl down and wiped his mouth. Then he turned to Dust, "Wanna go for another round of Uno?"  Killer sat up abruptly, his chair scraping the floor loudly, and he grabbed Cross by the back of his shirt. "No. Absolutely not, you are coming with me." Cross cackled, "Alright, alright." Cross stumbled after Killer, waving to the others before the doors shut.

Killer shoved Cross into the first door they came across, slamming it shut and pushing Cross against it. Cross was still grinning his stupid grin, unfazed entirely. Killer aggressively kissed him, angrily clawing at Cross's shirt. Cross gave a muffled laugh, holding Killer back by the shoulders. "Eager much? It's not even bedtime yet." Killer smacked his hands away, "Don't care, you are going to raw me right now." Cross snorted, letting Killer drag him to the unused bed. "I dunno, Kills, that spar was enough of a workout for me." 

Killer silenced him with a kiss, pulling him down onto the bed. Cross's hands sank into the mattress on either side of Killer's head, his brows raised. Killer glared up at him, impatience brewing the longer Cross did nothing. "The fuck are you waiting for?!" Cross snickered. "Calm down- hmphf!!"


Killer groaned the next morning, whining incoherently into Cross's shirt. Cross, though amused, patted his husband's back, agitating some wounds. Killer hissed, "Cross!"

"You're the one who wanted me to," Cross answered. Killer huffed, jabbed Cross in the ribs, "That was in the heat of the moment, retard. Stop messing with them." Cross snorted, "Alright. I'll ask again, do you want me to wrap them?" Killer considered it, bunching up some of the blankets in his hands. "Yeap."

Cross scoffed and slipped out of bed.


Horror sniffed the moment they walked through, glaring at Cross an instant later. "What... didja do...?" Cross blinked. "What?" Horror tapped his nasal ridge. "S..smells... like blood..." A slow grin spread across Cross's face. "You didn't hear? He was be-" Killer slapped his hands over Cross's mouth, his face a bright cherry red. "THEY DO NOT NEED TO KNOW THAT!" Cross's laugh was muffled, but clearly there, his eyelights bright with amusement. Dust snickered, "He was pretty loud. Suprised you didn't hear 'em." Horror shook his head, "Playing... p.." He tapped his fingers, frustrated. Dust chimed in, "Had yer music on?" Horror nodded, "Yea. that.."

Nightmare offered his own thoughts, smirking like a smug cat. "You shouldn't worry over it, Horror. As Cross was going to say, Killer asked." Horror gave a startled laugh, his cheeks faintly red at that. "BOSS!!" Nightmare cackled as Killer imploded.


I think that was a much better ending than the other one :) ajshahsdjfcahnlwkecoa i think i messed up with Killer's personality here tbh

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