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who wants to read some leviathantale? :)


Cross swam in anxious circles. The glass cage was the same size. The same size as it had been when he was younger. It had been big enough then. He could stretch out then. He was younger then. Now, fully grown, it was stifling. It wasn't big enough for his tail, wasn't big enough for him to rest properly. It was small, lonely, oppressive, lonely, lonely, alone, forgotten, abandoned-

Tap tap.

He whipped around, tail lashing. Horror stared at him through the glass, his eye worried. Cross couldn't hear him. He grit his teeth, turning away sharply, resuming his pacing. More tapping. Cross's fins flicked. A weak chirp left him at the concern in Horror's gaze, and he caved, gliding up to press against the glass. It was the closest he could get to his shivermate. It brought little to no comfort, it hardly ever did, but it was all he'd get, all XGaster would allow. A bad taste welled in his mouth, his claws- filed down, trimmed, his ability to protect stolen- digging into the fake sand beneath him.

Tap tap.

Horror's gaze was warm and reassuring, as much as it could be given the situation they were in. Cross pressed harder against the glass, as if he could phase through it by sheer will. It didn't budge. Horror's rumble was distant, faint through the thick glass. Cross could barely hear it, much less feel the intent behind it. It brought tears to his eyes. Horror watched, dismayed, as Cross curled up against the window, tail folded beneath him and arms around himself. Cross was trembling, purple misting in the water around him. He was crying.

Horror set a hand on the cold glass, cranking up his purr, trying to bypass the barrier between them. Trying to comfort. Cross curled up tighter. The minutes dragged by, each one miserably long. It felt like ages before that door finally opened and a very familiar sharkmer was wheeled in, a rabbit monster pushing the cart. She shrieked in surprise as Horror slammed himself against the side of his cage. Cross did much the same, clawing his way up to the grates overhead, grabbing onto them and yanking.

"X, just wait a moment, please-" He yanked harder, the metal rattling. Killer jerked at the noise, startled. At the sight of Cross and Horror, he nearly lept out of the cart, the water sloshing and spilling over. The rabbit hurriedly pushed him around the cages and up the rap, crouching to tug the grates of Cross's cage aside. She didn't even have to help Killer out, the mer scrambling out and slipping into the cage. The grates were slid back, clanking shut, and the rabbit hurried back out of the room. She shut the doors quickly, no doubt eager to escape Horror and Cross's defensive glares. As soon as she was gone, Cross dragged Killer close, nuzzling him frantically, sniffing and licking over parts of his shoulders.

He smelled of chemicals and medicine, nothing like he should. Cross whined, hugging him tighter, licking over him more and more in an impromptu grooming session. Killer purred under his attention, clinging back just as tightly. "Fuck, Cross, that fucking doctor-" Cross bristled, snapping up to look Killer over. "What did he do?" Killer nudged him affectionately, "I'm okay. But stars, that fucker is insatiable. Did he make you run those stupid 'training courses' too?" Cross's expression soured, the other ducking his head and nosing over a patch of dry-ish scales.

"He kept fucking commenting on everything I did. And he kept- he kept on comparing me to you?" Cross's fingers flexed, his gills flaring. He licked away at the rough spot, moving further down Killer's tail. It wasn't ideal. The cage was already small with just him in it, and now that Killer was here too, it was even smaller. He didn't complain though. Cross would rather be crushed in one cage with someone than be separated. Killer shifted beneath him, "..We've only been here a little while, and he acts like he.. knows you?" Cross hesitated in a telling pause. Killer's fins flicked. "..Cross-"

"Killer, please- I don't-" Cross let out a weak breath. "Not now." Killer opened his mouth to answer, only to get cut off as the door opened again. Horror, who'd been watching Killer and Cross, jerked around, his eye widening. Water sloshed over the top of his cage as he thrashed around. Dust flopped over the side of his own container, his tail slapping the ground as he clawed his way up to Horror's glass cage. He scratched at the glass desperately, keening pitifully. The same rabbit from before tried to lead him around, probably too afraid to pick him up. Dust dragged himself up the ramp, Killer and Cross both calling to him through the grates of their cage, worried about the lack of water.

Horror snarled at the rabbit when she tried to open his cage, snapping his teeth, his tail whipping about. The rabbit jumped away as Horror shoved the metal bars aside, pulling himself out of the water to reach out. Dust wheezed, straining to take Horror's hand, hissing out a breath. Horror managed to snag him, pulling him the rest of the way and into the water, showering him in the same attention Cross gave Killer before. "I gotcha bun.." Dust curled up against him, his chest heaving. He looked naked without his hoodie and pilot fish.

Horror wiggled them around, placing himself over Dust to hide his smaller mate from unwanted eyes. The rabbit fled again, Kiler's glare hot on her heels. The door slammed, and the shiver relaxed. Horror sniffed at Dust's bones, grimacing at the lingering smell of fear. "Wha.. happened?" Dust shook his head, silent, Horror giving a click in response. Killer tapped on the glass, startling the other two. Dust peered through the window, frowning. He pointed at Cross, saying something. Horror's brow furrowed. He sat up, poking his head out of the water, Cross and Killer doing the same. Dust was the last to follow. His voice was raspy. "One of the doctors knows you, Cross. How?" Cross shuddered, closing his eyes. "I-its, um.. I.. Just- Later, okay? I promise I'll tell you later. If- When we get home."

Dust nodded curtly. "I'll hold you to that." Overhead, the lights shut off with a loud noise. Cross sighed. "Right. Lights out guys." Killer gave Cross a look.


Maybe I'll continue, maybe I won't, who knows

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